Maplestory V62 Private Server Download

Maplestory V62 Private Server Download

Jun 03, 2009 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR THE NOTE! Hey, I am going to show you how to make a fucking V62 server, The Repack is made by Moogra, but this tut is made by me (Rickpwns.

If you are going to leech this, at least leave the credits at the bottom please, it took me hours of work to create this guide. Update 1: Fixed ALL the download links.

7/8/10 Step 1 - Downloads MySQL Server 5.0 MySQL Query Browser Java JDK 6 Update 21 Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files 6 ThePack II Rev. 80 - v62 ThePack XML Wz: SineMS Rev. 18 - v55 SineMS XML Wz: Localhost v55 Localhost v62 Hex WorkShop 6.0.1 Hex Editor HashCalc WinterStoryCMS Abyss WebServer Pre-Configured PHP Step 2 - Java + DataBase 1. Install Java JDK 6 Update 18 2.

Download the JCE Files 3. Now go to where you installed Java, and you should see something like this: 4. Paste the US_export_policy.jar and the local_policy.jar into the following locations. Code: C: Program Files Java jre6 lib security C: Program Files Java jre6 lib ext C: Program Files Java jre6 lib C: Program Files Java jdk1.6.0_10 lib C: Program Files Java jdk1.6.0_10 jre lib C: Program Files Java jdk1.6.0_10 jre lib ext C: Program Files Java jdk1.6.0_10 jre lib security5. Install MySQL Server 5.0 Video: [ame='[MapleStory] Setting Up a MapleStory Private Server [Part 2][/ame] Important: Set The PassWord to 'root' 6.

Install and Open MySQL Query Browser Make yours look like this: PassWord = 'root' 7. Double Click on the database 'odinms' 8.

On the Top Left Corner, Click on File, then Open Script 9. ThePack II - Go to your ThePack II folder, and look for ThePackII.SQL B SineMS Rev.18 - Go to your SineMS folder, and look for SineMS.SQL 10. Click on the 'Execute' button on the top right corner. Step 3 - Setting Up Server Files 1. Extract your downloaded XML Wz Files, and make a folder called 'wz' in your source folder if it's not already there and extract all the XML Wz Files there. Now.The Fun Begins.xD 2.

Open MySQL Query Browser 3. Click on Open Script.Again 4.

Change the 'Files of Type' to 'Any File ANSI Assumed (*.*)' 5. Driver Pci System Peripheral Windows 98 Vmware Fusion Pro more. Open 6. Edit yours to look like this: 7. Save and Close 8.

Open Script.Again 9. Change the 'Files of Type' to 'Any File ANSI Assumed (*.*)' 10. Open 11. Replace your's Completely With. Code: Change 'localhost' to your WAN IP Address Important, leave login and, at 'localhost' 5. Right click your localhost, and click on 'Hex Edit With Hex WorkShop' 6.

Press 'CTRL + H' at the same time. Make yours look exactly like the screenshot above, but replace the 'Your WAN IP Address' with your WAN IP Address. Save and Close 9. Open up 'cmd' Windows XP: Start >>Run >>'cmd' >>Enter Vista: Start >>'cmd' >>Enter 10.

Type 'ipconfig /all' 11. Copy down your 'Default GateWay' 12. Mine is 13. Open up your default Browser 14. Type in 'GateWay' 15.

Login Combonations (Usual Ones). Code: 3306 8484 7575 7521.

Set the IP Address to the IP Address you just got from the 'cmd' (Ex. 22.

Save Settings and close your browser. Step 5 - Setting Up Your WebSite 1.

Download and Install 'Abyss WebServer X1 + Pre-Configured PHP' 2. After installation, right click the Abyss WebServer icon from your System Tray and select 'Show Console.' Login with your Credentials 4. We will now proceed to install PHP support for Abyss WebServer. Click on 'Configure' 6.

Click on 'Scripting Parameters' 7. Under Interpreters, click 'Add' 8. Set 'Interface' to 'Fast CGI (Local - Pipes)' 9. In the Interpreter field, press 'Browse.' And navigate to your PHP directory and select 'php-cgi.exe' 10. Set the 'Type' to 'PHP Style' 11.

Press 'Add' in the Associated Extensions table and type in 'php' 12. Press 'Ok' until you are back on the configure page. Now click on 'Index Files' and press 'Add' 14. Where the 'File Name' field type in 'index.php' 15. Press Restart, and now your WebServer will recognise PHP and will be able to perform actions that will be needed to register accounts. Download and Extract WinterStoryCMS to your Desktop 17.

Open 'WinterStoryCMS/includes' and open 'config.php' 18. Edit the password to 'root' 19. Save and Close 20.

Go to C: Abyss Web Server htdocs 21. Delete everything in 'htdocs' 22. Move all the files inside the folder WinterStoryCMS to 'htdocs', Files Only! Not the Folder To access your website, go to WAN IP/ or Ex. Step 6 - Starting Up Your Server 1. Go to your source folder. (Where your wz, src, scripts, dist folders are.) 2.

Open These 3.Bat files in this order.. Code: launch_world.bat Wait 5 Seconds launch_login.bat Wait 5 Seconds launch_channel.bat Wait 5 Seconds3. Move your 'localhost.exe' to your MapleStory v55 or v62 Folder. Open 'localhost.exe' 5. You have now sucessfully set up a MapleStory v62 or v55 Server w/o Hamachi + Website! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Innovative's Fixes Q: How do I fix the DC'ing issue when I select my character? A: Go to your 'odinms' database and open up the 'accounts' table.

In the GM column, set the value to 1 relative to which account you want to be allowed GM access. Next, open up the 'characters' table and in the GM column, also set a 1 relative to which character you are allowing GM commands to be used from.

The '1' in the 'accounts' table allows that certain account to login, even if the max limit of logins is reached. The '1 - 5' in the 'characters' table allows that certain character to use GM commands. Q: I'm getting random blocks of errors while running my.bats! Code: C: Program Files Java jre6 lib security C: Program Files Java jre6 lib ext C: Program Files Java jre6 lib C: Program Files Java jre1.6.0_06 lib security C: Program Files Java jre1.6.0_06 lib ext C: Program Files Java jre1.6.0_06 lib C: Program Files Java jdk1.6.0_06 lib C: Program Files Java jdk1.6.0_06 jre lib C: Program Files Java jdk1.6.0_06 jre lib ext C: Program Files Java jdk1.6.0_06 jre lib securityFix 5).Some people had errors when they were not using a v55 CashShop enabled Localhost, Download it from above.

Fsx Eurocopter Ec 135 Hermes here. Make sure if you've port forwarded(If you're using a modem, You don't have too portforward, but you still have to place the IP's like this) you have the IP's in your properties files set like this.

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