Deluxe Pokemon Crackhead

Deluxe Pokemon CrackheadDeluxe Pokemon Crackhead

TRADE CONDITTIONS: - For 1:1 same set: 20 gems, emote, background and a little bump of this thread. - For 1:1 STM: My STM link is at the top of my Steam Profile - For cross sets trades: You choose your ratio! I'm only looking at the card value on the market. Please, make sure that the total value of your offer is superior than mine.

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The effects of Pokemon on the general population is horrendous. WARNING: THIS ARTICLE WAS MADE BY A LOSER WITH A BAD SENSE OF HUMOR, YOU WILL NOT LAUGH AT ALL. Welcome, my name is Mr Ass and today, I will be preaching about.

Oh, Fuck, No! Not another Pokemon page!

Get the hell out! Only watch that now! I recommend that you click,, or, dammit!

Oh great, some little kids too?! Click or here, or else I'll fucking shoot you. Great, article done. Who the hell are you?!

Leave me alone already! Unless you're an admin, because I love the admins. They are so awesome!

Now I'm getting monitored by admins! About the show itself. Pokemon is a satanic show spreading satanic Japenese messages to the American youth, we must fight back, CAN YOU DIIIIIG IT!!!!!!!!!! .or so we're meant to believe. Pokemon takes place in a magical land where cock-fighting is a legal, popular, and lucrative sport, and everyone enjoys it by training cute little forest animals to fight to the death for their amusement - sick amusement - as well as by imprisoning innocent creatures in small spheres (hence the franchise's incredible popularity in Austria). Ash, the main character, is kicked out of the house by his abusive parents for sitting around and eating all their food.

So Ash, being the vagabond that he is, decides to break into the local Zoo steal an electric rat and and use it to win Cock-fighting contests in the hopes of making enough money to not have to resort to cannibalism. How does he do this? How the fuck should I know? But apparently he went around capturing innocent monsters forced to fight to the death in big-ass colosseums so he can one day become rich and famous, and hopefully be reclaimed by society. One more thing: they call this kid-friendly? I mean, the dialogue is quite tame, no doubt, but?

What the hell were the makers of this show thinking? No, What About the Characters? “A talking Charmander wants my credit card? Seems fair.”. Ash was always hitting the weed before hitting the computer.

Ass Ketchup, a wandering preteen hobo with a bad spray-on tan who Travels across the land. Searching far and wiiiide. Each poke- oh shit sorry, burst into song again.

One day, Ash decided to become a Pokemon master, and really showed everyone his determination by setting out in his pajamas. He's generally one of the most least liked characters on the show, and the only one that has been caught wearing very short shorts, and is also rumoured to have completed Through the Fire and Flames on with his hands tied behind his back. Ash's father is never revealed in the series, but unless you've been living under a, you've probably noticed the smooth old professor Oak tree who built his laboratory peculiarly close.

Ash remains unchanged throughout the series, except for the season or two when his voice actor thought it would be fun to make him sound like he hit puberty. It didn't go well. The other major change occurred during season three when he pretended to be a homosexual Pikachu. It was around this time that the original Pikachu actor shot himself. The new Pikachu (played by Norm MacDonald) is currently making half the pay. Upon leaving home, Ass boy received an obvious Ipod ripoff created by some crackhead, made entirely of chicken nuggets.

Like many sony creations on crack, it was filled with defects. For exmaple, whenever Ash points the Pokedex at a small furry animal, it usually responds by advertising killzone 2, as well as information of how to cook that particular creature.

It was a really shitty ripoff as he could never go to the 'best sites' on the. It doesnt have anything to say about his power level. Ash tray received a new Pokedex in episode 9000, after his old one exploded when he tried downloading off the internet from Gary. Now, for all you pokemon fans out there. Pokemon arent real. Not even in the series. The last episode has already been aired in japan, but they purposely didnt air it in the USA.

Because this is how it goes. Ash Ketchup finally beats the elite 4, who had another person at the end so it was the elite 5 but that wasnt a cool name so they called it the elite 4. Then, everybody there(his mom, oak tree, brock, misty, all of the pokemon, the elite 5, and even team rocket) are cheering for him. Pikachu runs up to hug ash, but before she gets the chance, she disappears into thin air. Slowly at first, everyone and everything starts to disappear, but then it speeds up. Ash ends up alone surrounded by white space.

He starts to cry, then he hears voices. Oak tree: i'm sorry mrs. Ketchup, but we've been paying too much for life support for your son. He's been in a coma for three years now and we're gonna have to pull the plug. Misty: i'm gonna miss him.

He was the best lab partner i ever had. Brock: he was a good friend *sniffle* gary: that poor kid.

You shouldnt pull the plug yet. He might live. Oak tree: there isnt any way.

We have to- miss ketchup: *sniffle* i understand. (moans something including ash's name) oak tree: i know, ma'am but we cannot do anything else. Ash starts to open his eyes, when oak tree pulls the plug. His mom screams: ASH! But then his eyes close, and he dies. Pokemon didnt exist. They were a figment of ash's unconscious imagination.

Thats the story. Its all true. You can see why they didnt air it in the usa. That's why they keep making more pokemon. Its all a lie. End of story ^-^ Brock.

Brock almost lost his virginity, but Ashhhh walked in. What a sad loser. Another main character, is the only seemingly straight actor on the show. He first made his debut on the show after getting his ash licked kicked by Ash and then begging him to let him tag along. Brock has proved to be an irreplaceable character over the years, due mostly to the fact 31 year olds find great amusement in his complete failure at life. He dreams of becoming the greatest Pokemon Rapist. The problem is that he's only 'raped' himself in his life.

Brock's parents are both absent during the show; his father having gotten to close to a plot element stone and evolving into a Christmas turkey, and his mother getting pwned by a mob of sex crazed robots. He's also a well-known supporter of the Bush Administration. He then leaves Pokemon to continue raping his new bitch, Terra, from the Teen Titans. Misty watches while Ash and Pikachu make asses of themselves. DO NOT READ THIS.

Especially you, Mikey Wyld! Ace Of Base Greatest Hits Rar here. The most popular actress of the entire show, is flat-chested and easy to anger.

She is addicted to fog and bikes somehow. In fact, close to 85% of her annual salary is spent on bikes.

People often hoped that she would hook up with Ass. At that time, Ash tray had yet to, though he did enjoy the company of a flat-chested masculine girl. Misty is also the leader of the Cerulean City Gym (Well known for losing), though she can't even teach a mentally challenged duck how to swim. Her only hope of winning a battle is by flashing her challangers.

She had wild hot with Oak, Ash Ketchcum, and all their pokemon in a huge blood orgy. Though Brock was killed when his Onix went too far up Brock's ass and impaled his heart. She has also been known to kidnap May and rape her time to time. Misty has one prominent pokemon, A Gayrados, a very retarded and high pokemon.

It is a Rapist/Completely stupid Type. Attacks are: • Rape: Opponent is raped. (Michael Jackson) • smoke weedz: health is regenerated but causes all attributes(including every other pokemon)to fall by 000%, reducing them to the equivalent of a goat burned by an atomic bomb. • Tactical Cruise Guided Ultra-High Explosive Antimatter Giant chocolate seeking Missile: Only known move in the Pokemon World that kills instead of faints. Misty was also the first girl to appear on the 100 most fuckable cartoon charactors quickly followed. Pikachu taking it up the bum.

Just another banana flavored rat that controls everyone's electricity bill, became an instant classic, and children world-wide imitate her, YES.HER. Pikachu usually just runs around until Ash orders it to fry something. Pikachu rarely fails to do this.

Pikachu is usually being stolen by the Rocket clan. He always gets away, though. Usually because Team Rocket can't do anything right, but that's another story.

Sometime in 1997, however, Pikachu had his pants sued off because he had landed millions of children in the hospital for giving them seizures, although Pikachu blamed his good buddy Porgyon, who saved his the trio, and even Team Rocket's asses in that damn episode. Recently, Pikachu was caught in a scandal. He was caught at a club with Misty. Since he was currently dating Ash (yes dumb ass, ash. Didnt you notice that if 2 pokemon get hurt, he only helps Pikachu), this was all over the news in Japan.and wherever the crap Pokemon live. This was a real emotional blow to Ash, but Pikachu seemed indifferent to his lover's trauma.

Their relationship was resolved, however, when Misty ran off with some other Japanese guy. Ash and Pikachu are currently dating, but this may be subject to change. Rumors have circulated that Pikachu is actually Chris Crocker and he is cheating on Ash with Bill Clinton. He previously dated Osama Bin Laden but seperated because of the 'long distance relationship'. In 2008 Pikachu was captured by Hezbollah. After Japan refused the ransom money, they killed him. A video was posted on YouTube but was withdrawn due to the possibilies of seizures.

Pikachu is a Steel/ToiletPaper Type combination. Traveling with Ash, its most prominent moves are: Mobile Missile Launcher (100 power 100 acc) Sexual Harrassment (lowers Defense of obvious reasons) Tactical Indirect Artillery Fire (150 power 70 acc) Dual Strategic H-Bomb Launcher (Obliterates target. Super Effective against Brittney Spears and Michael Jackson) Anti-Matter Bomb (No description nessassry) Its signiture move: ToiletPaper (instant KO) May and Max. Ash, May and Brock pose while Max holds these poor Pokemon at gunpoint. Nothing 4Kids and Photoshop can't fix, though.

May and are Misty's replacements. They toured for five seasons. Max was one of the most hated people of all time in the show, but May had a lot of fans following in the early years of her career, this was partly due to fan boys who like to wank over porn and thought that May was hot(Shes a cartoon you sick fucks). Family life was hard for them, growing up in a household full of fat ugly sloth Pokemon. Max was a know-it-all He just waddled around bragging how smart he was while the action went on and even he make ash to try to kill himself. He was only on the show because May is related to him. He had a Ralts, but it ran away because it couldn't stand his tourettes any longer. Metin2 Yang Hack Dowland Gta.

Max has also been involved in several Pokeball 'incidents' resulting of the death of several trainers. Max stands at two feet tall because his mother smoked in the womb, stunting poor Max's growth. May is a big-boobed bitch who has big boobs. She's a fucken ten-year-old with C-cups that she uses to sleep with Ass, who surprisingly has too big for his age. This is because Nintendo doesn't know how hormones work because they're. She is also famous for being raeped by girls and Dawn's Dildo This thing is used through most of the episodes.

You just don't see it. Professor Oak.

Yes, he is pretty. Is the leading researcher on Pokemon.

Bottom line, he has no life. He is also unstable and senile. Ash's mom shows that she's losing her mind as well, because she's always with him. I think they're in love. He is the director of the show. He has few roles in the show. He's displayed behavior that indicates he is a pedophile, like stalking Blue and sending his evil bird Pokemons out to torture her, whilst wrapped in black bandages that are so scary, you'll wet yourself.

Then he gives her a PokeDex to lure her into trusting him so she'll let him touch her. Oh, wait, that's just in the manga. This is the anime article. Nurse Joy is a clone made for Oprah to heal her armies. The police officers of the show, these are also failed clones on the Oprah line. Her blue hair is from the 80's when it was thought to be popular.

Both her and the Joys want to kill Terra in order to make Brock their sex slave. (I know Brock wouldnt mind.). James Morgan and her purple hair. Popular, but evil, an unfortunate group of a woman ( JesseJames), woman ( JamesJesse), and the brains of the bunch; a talking kitten with obsessive compulsive disorder (). James had a wealthy childhood, but left her family's marijuana plantation for bigger and better horizons.

However, this isn't working out for her and she is frequently seen driving recklessly in the streets of Pallet Town around 3 AM. Jesse is a fake redhead that's had one too many trips to the local plastic surgeon. She is also possibly the former dictator of Kenya. Meowth found out he could talk like a human after the Italian mafia nailed a coin into his forehead.

Every show, save the first, they have made an appearance. And every show, they fail miserably to tame a Pokemon, much less capture one, take Pikachu for example. They always claim to be bankrupt and yet come up with a new copyright infringed giant robot every time. Yet they rival Max for boasting and idiocy, in their inability to catch a little yellow rodent. They provide Comic Relief when Brock can't deliver. Team rocket has recently been discovered as a branch of PETA in which they choose to 'save' from their abuse 'slavers' and stop these poor poor forest animals from being abused. Jesse and James stand out for their controversial views on animal rights and same sex marriage.

But have only recently been going though marriage troubles. In shorter terms, Team Rocket sucks, they can never capture Pikachu ever, so they should just stop trying.

Okay, damnit. You fucking had enough?!

But, What Are the Seasons About? Warning: The following text might contain. This makes the article more aerodynamic, and thus more maneuverable at high speeds. The only video taken taken at the crime scene. It wiped out all of the FBI.

RAPE DAWN BEFORE THEY RECRUIT!!! Season 2- The party goes to some islands, where nothing happens. Brock is replaced with some who likes sketching Ash's ass and poking a hole where his ass hole should be and sticking waving tongue in it. And also ash gets a laptop and looks at pictures of naked men on the internet. Brock finds out and says that he wants do that. Season 3- The party wanders off into Johto, and walks around. The douche is replaced by Brock again, only this time he's smoking a crack pipe.

Season 4- The party somehow has 85 episodes in the Johto league championships (which was weird, considering only 64 people were in the championships and only 64 episodes were biographical) Season 5- The party enters a Master Quest while Ash is still sexting with Caterpie. That flaming SOB! SERIES 2 Season 6 The party is advanced. Seasons 6-9 are known as the Advanced Generation because Ash wears advanced clothes. This series made no sense, and was simply there because the story writers tried to introduce too many new concepts that might've sucked anyhow. May enters the series and the nude pictures of her start surfacing on the Net. Makes his anime debut.

Ready to molest. Yet another installment with Regigigas and how he raped poor Gaymin and got beat the crap out of by Gigatitsna because the BowedGay spirit says that everyone should be gay and he comes from a, thus,,,,,, May, and Max (he turns into in this one.)Enter the scene to Beat some shit from Gigatitsna and the BowedGay Spirit. I almost forgot the Peekattcha short! Finally gets full custody of his hoe girlfriend Misty! But then again, it could've been your mom.

Gigatitsna's just showed me big tits and gave me amnesia. The REAL Movie 12 poster, as seen in China and Japan. Pokemon: To Take Notice of Continuing Space-Time: throws his fat ass it front of a meteor us save us all but of course, humans fuck things up again by stealing 'the Jewel of Life' and really pissing Arceus off, which makes him fall asleep for some reason.

A million years later, Pikachu puts his penis in Arceus's mouth which causes him to awaken. He then proceeds to blow everything up. Oh yeah and, and have a massive fight because despite being the creators of reality, they're actually stupid rednecks. Arceus most likely wins in the end BECAUSE HE IS THE ONE TRUE EPIC SEX GOD!!!!!

Super Sentai (Power Rangers in USA dork.) It seems they retconned the last movie PKMN: WW. Well, the Japs confirmed that there will be a PKMN vs.

SS, or in America, PRPKMN team up to fight against monsters, and possibly Team Rocket. The cast is: Ash(Red Ranger/CarRed), May(Pink Ranger/TimePink), Dawn(Yellow Ranger/DekaYellow), Max(Green Ranger/MagiGreen), Brock(Blue Ranger/AbaBlue), Gary(Quantum Ranger/TimeFire), Omega Ranger, Mack(Red Operation Overdrive Ranger), Kimberly(MMPR Pink Ranger), Chip(Yellow Mystic Ranger), Ethan(Blue Dino Ranger), Tommy (Green Ranger MMPR). It is anime/live-action, so expect the original people of PR to come. In theatres July 4. Pokemon:Son of Pachirisu It turns out that Pachirisu is a completely slutty whore. She has sex with pokemon, people, and occasionally rocks. About one year later, its stomach bulged out.

Dawn noticed this and took a pregnancy test on it. It was positive. Everyone decided to find to find the father. They were interrogating Pachirisu while using the pokemone voice translator. She had the child two billion years later. It had Pikachu's ears, Ash's skin, Brock's hair, and Misty's eyes. Sing me the sucky theme song!

Why won't you go to the hell? I want to be the very worst, like no one ever was.

To kill them is my real test; to destroy them is my cause!!!! I will set fire to the land,, b u r n i n g,far and wide! Each pokemon, to terminate, and eat all their inside!!!

(Gotta kill them all!) Its you vs. I know it's my destiny Pokemon! Oh, you're my worst friend, In a world that I must end! (Gotta kill them all!) A death so true! My hatred will sure burn you. You peeve me off and I'll blast you, POKEMON!!!

Gotta kill them all, gotta kill them aaaaaall! Wow, that made me feel better! And now i feel $$$$$$$$$$HHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTYYYYYYYYYY! This is COPYRIGHTED! Copyright 1998B.C.

4Kids Entertainment, Inc. All Rights NOT RESERVED, YOU SUCKER!!! NOT 4KIDS AGAIN! 4Kids Entertainment- Current rulers of anime whose horribad Pokemon dubs are responsible for the destruction of Alliance. Their company's headquarters was forged 2000 years ago from the tears of anime fans across America. A new Pokemon character is chosen by this evil organization every day to have their voices dubbed over to sound like a teletubby on crack, and then mass-distributed for lil American boogers to giggle.

The Emperor of Japan's heart exploded the day 4Kids started editing Naruto. ALL YOUR ANIME ARE BELONG TO THEM! -Dickhead Alliance.

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