Deathwatch The Outer Reach Pdf Writer


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Deathwatch The Outer Reach Pdf Writer

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Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. By filling out a tiny 3 field form and you will get your own, free, dakka user account which gives a good range of benefits to you: • No adverts like this in the forums anymore. • Times and dates in your local timezone. • Full tracking of what you have read so you can skip to your first unread post, easily see what has changed since you last logged in, and easily see what is new at a glance. • Email notifications for threads you want to watch closely.

• Being a part of the oldest wargaming community on the net. If you are already a member then feel free to. FFG wrote: Endless Possibilities, Endless Profits A Preview of The Koronus Bestiary, an Upcoming Rogue Trader Supplement “Do not waste your fear on the unknown, for in Koronus we have known terrors aplenty to fill your nightmares.' –Seneschal Venton Tiebolt In December, Fantasy Flight Game announced the upcoming release of The Koronus Bestiary, a supplement for Rogue Trader. This comprehensive tome features art and descriptions for a range of foes, including Shadowkith, Thornmaws, Void Krakens, and a Xenos Generator that allows players to create alien species as varied and dangerous as they can imagine! Some months have passed since we last previewed the pages of this terrifying tome; unexpected issues with the printing process unfortunately delayed its release.

Now, however, The Koronus Bestiary is back on track, and its deadly predators will begin stalking local retailers in the middle of July. In our past previews, we’ve surveyed the most vicious beasts of the Expanse, the cunning plots of sentient xenos, and the vile warp spawn that prey on the souls of humanity. Today, we’re pleased to present a Designer Diary by writer Jordan Goldfarb, who worked on the versatile Xenos Generator. The Alien Wears Many Forms Hello, Rogue Traders (and Arch-Militants, Astropaths, Navigators, and the rest). This is Jordan Goldfarb, a writer for The Koronus Bestiary.

An even bigger fear is that the pathogen will reach North America, which holds the world's greatest diversity of salamanders. When Bd zoospores land on a susceptible amphibian, they grow a skinny tube that penetrates the outer skin. The end of the. They hope it will not be a death watch for the smiling salamander.

The Warhammer 40,000 universe is a huge place, with all sorts of alien denizens lurking throughout, and it was rather difficult fitting all the material you might want to have for tackling it. If any single tome could do the job, it would have to be this one. In addition to covering the more archetypal alien races, The Koronus Bestiary has an expansive set of guidelines, suggestions, and random generators for making your own aliens to populate the Koronus Expanse. The generators in The Koronus Bestiary use a detailed system of Species Traits to customize the alien life for your Rogue Trader game. Alien life can be found across all sorts of different worlds, evolving to create and adapt to unique ecosystems and environments, and the resultant creatures are naturally (or unnaturally) going to be radically different from humanity and from each other. The goal I took to heart in writing this material was to make sure aliens stayed alien, both to humanity and to each other.

Some fauna might not be too different from that of modern Earth except for acidic blood or a few extra legs, but these only serve to accentuate the sense of the Other you encounter when a two-ton mound of living rock starts spraying bio-electricity. And of course, as any loyal Imperial citizen knows, the only thing worse than a horrifying alien monster covered in tentacles and spikes is one that appears perfectly harmless The Grass Beneath Your Feet Even the simple plant life of the Expanse can be a threat to unwary Explorers—or a chance to claim big profits.

In The Koronus Bestiary, you’ll find all sorts of rules for plant-based aliens, from toxic, spore-choked forests to active foliage that make animal predators look positively lethargic. There are even Species Traits specifically for the more deadly forms of xenoflora. The Flora Generator was one of my favorite parts to handle in the writing process.

There’s just something so very Warhammer about a planet where the firewood can chop back, and the meadows thirst for the blood of grazing cattle. I anticipate a great deal of Profit Factor being sunk into Flamers and other brush-clearing devices once this book makes the rounds! The Strange Faces of Opportunity The Xenos Generator is not limited to feral beasts and deadly blooms. Sentient xenos races can also be created using the tools within. These are beings no less strange than their bestial counterparts, but far more open to bargaining with an enterprising band of Explorers. A careful and canny Rogue Trader can make great profits in such deals, assuming they can maintain control of the situation.

There’s a truly staggering variety of possibilities available through the Xenos Generator, and I trust fans of Rogue Trader will find every single one of them exciting. Get ready for the galaxy to get a lot more interesting when your GM starts making use of these tools in just a few short weeks! I underlined and bolded the important part. I had a feeling that it was delayed, not just slowed down for some weird reason.

It kinda explains the wonky 'coming soon' section at the FFG website and how it's not been updated yet. We continue to play the waiting game, as always. But meh - my copy's on pre-order, so it'll get here eventually I 'spose! This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2012/06/29 01:00:42.

FFG wrote: Only War Beta: Week One Updates From the Developers on the Only War Beta Test Hello Only War Beta testers! It has been over a week since the launch of the Only War Beta, and your response has been awesome! The Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay Team appreciates all your forum discussions and emails, and we have already started using your feedback to help us make Only War the best product it can be. Every Tuesday, we will post a weekly update to keep you informed about the progress of the Beta. This post will include any big news involving the Beta, guidance on where we would like you to focus your attention in the coming week, and a PDF update to the Beta document to keep you informed of the most recent tweaks and changes to Only War’s core rules.

Can be found on the. Jessie J Who You Are Аккорды. Additionally, there is a in the Game Mechanics forum in which you can discuss any feedback directly related to this week’s update. A Weekly Process As mentioned before, each week we will post a certain aspect of the Only War rules that we would like you to focus on testing during this specific week. This will allow us to take a deeper look at individual features, and help facilitate more in-depth discussions. Keep in mind, however, that these topics are merely suggestions, and you are welcome to continue testing whatever aspect of the rules you wish at your own pace. Any and all feedback is welcome at any time.

Now that many of you have had time in this first week to look through the Beta and get acclimated, we would like to dedicate this next week to testing Regiment and Character Creation (found primarily in Chapters II and III). Make every squad combination you can using the different Regiment and Speciality options, and then consider the following questions: How did Regiment Creation go?

Did you choose a pre-made Regiment, or did you make your own? In Regiment Creation, are there certain options you would choose every time? Are there certain options you would never choose? Which Specialities did your group choose? Are there certain Specialities your players gravitate toward or avoid? Once your starting group has been assembled, do any specific Specialities feel too powerful to begin with?

We look forward to your thoughts and opinions as this Beta test kicks into gear. Thank you all for your invaluable feedback. The changes are interesting. FFG wrote: Bring Clarity to the Koronus Expanse An Updated FAQ for Rogue Trader is Now Available “To bring the Emperor’s Light into the darkness; to bring the unknown to a greater understanding of Him on Earth; this is my calling and in my wake both seeds and ashes are sown.” –Luminorem Majoris Skent Taltos The Koronus Expanse is a perilous place for all those who dare to venture. Today, however, the journey becomes a little less dangerous! The FAQ for Rogue Trader has been updated to, and is now available on our support page. A Word From the Developer For more on the updates found in version 1.3, here’s a word from Rogue Trader developer Max Brooke: The newest incarnation of the Rogue Trader FAQ, compiled based on fan feedback and rules queries, brings the Emperor’s Clarity to a number of issues from the nebulous corners of the Koronus Expanse.

Highlights of this update include improved clarity on certain aspects of Massed Combat in Battlefleet Koronus, enhanced scaling for the Astropath’s Psychic Techniques from the Rogue Trader Core Rulebook, and, of course, the hidden secrets of the Null Bay (supposedly optioned by enterprising Rogue Traders at great cost from the Holy Ordos of the Inquisition itself!) from Hostile Acquisitions. The enhanced FAQ also adds answers to a number of common queries that have arisen since the last version of the FAQ. This update includes clarifications for Battlefleet Koronus and Hostile Acquisitions in addition to new insights into previously addressed Rogue Trader products from the Core Rulebook forward. Also my copy of Koronus Bestiary arrived (Australia got a batch before anyone else - no idea why!), so I have it on hand if anyone has any questions about what's in it! Automatically Appended Next Post: New Only War beta update!

FFG wrote: Only War Beta: Week Two Updates From the Developers on the Only War Beta Test Hello Only War Beta testers! We are now entering the third week of the Only War Beta, and it’s great to see all of the enthusiasm out there for this game.

This last week’s topic—Regiment and Character Creation—has generated a lot of great feedback, and the Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay team will be working in the coming weeks on getting your feedback thoroughly implemented into the product. This week, we wanted to remind everyone participating in the Beta that, in addition to discussing issues on the forum, you can also submit your feedback directly to the Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay team by sending e-mails to. And just as a reminder, when you submit your feedback via e-mail, it is most helpful to us if you consolidate multiple questions and comments into a single message, rather than sending a separate e-mail for each question or comment. Take the Field Last week you focused on creating new regiments and squads of characters. Now, it’s time to get those squads onto the battlefield, and start bringing The Emperor’s Justice to the enemies of Mankind! This week, we are interested in seeing how new characters perform against the challenges presented in this book. We would like you to dedicate this week to testing how well a squad of starting characters can handle the introductory adventure (Chapter XI: Against the Savages), and how they stand up against the adversaries of Only War (Chapter X: Adversaries & NPCs).

As your squad takes on the horrors of the galaxy, consider the following questions: How well did your squad do in the introductory adventure (Against the Savages)? Were there encounters your squad found too hard or too easy? Did your squad get stuck or lost at any point in the adventure? Of the adversaries in Chapter X, did your group find any too easy or too hard to defeat? Did certain members of your squad do better or worse against certain adversaries? In addition to this week’s focus, remember that feedback on any and all sections of the Beta is still welcome, and is especially helpful. Make sure to remember to download on the Beta support page for all the most recent updates to the Only War Beta rules.

I’m liking this new process. This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/07/11 21:26:08.

FFG wrote: In the Depths of the Jericho Reach Announcing The Outer Reach, an Upcoming Supplement for Deathwatch “So many times I’ve heard the warning ‘here be dragons’ said about one region of the galaxy or another. When it comes to the Outer Reach however, it’s true, all of it. There really are things sleeping out there in the void ‘twixt the stars. Leave ‘em slumbering friend, leave ‘em slumbering” –Melkiario Grik For as long as mankind has sailed the void of the Jericho Reach, it has been a place of danger and mystery. Evil slumbers in the forgotten places between the stars, and only the Deathwatch can stand before it. Fantasy Flight Games is pleased to announce the upcoming release of The Outer Reach, a supplement for Deathwatch!

Revealing the secret dangers that lurk in the darkness between the stars, The Outer Reach gives players and GMs never-before-seen access to the enigmatic Dead Cabal, a mysterious circle of warrior-scholars who have devoted their lives to fathoming the unfathomable. What’s more, this arcane tome presents the lost history of the arrogant and merciless Necrons of the Suhbekhar dynasty, and it offers the latest intelligence regarding their horrifically imminent return. All this, along with details on various Suhbekhar warriors, in-depth looks at the worlds beyond the reach of the Achilus Crusade, and scores of useful plot hooks, makes The Outer Reach an invaluable addition to any Deathwatch library. Evil Lurks in the Darkness As war rages throughout the Jericho Reach, the enemies of man grow ever more numerous and daring. But there are evils that lurk within the shadows, malign forces beyond counting and more dangerous than the even the Deathwatch can fathom. Some weave tangled webs of lies and deceit, seeking to make humanity their puppets in the Reach. Others hope to eradicate the teeming masses of mankind, to drive the Imperium from the galaxy, and to return to the dominance they once enjoyed.

But whether these dangers be subtle or overt, the only evidence of their existence are the countless unexplained mysteries throughout the Jericho Reach. Though it falls to the Deathwatch to combat the countless dangers in the darkness, few possess the esoteric knowledge to tread the dead worlds seeded throughout the Reach, instead focusing their attention on aiding the crusade as best they can. Thus, confrontation with these mysterious villains and enigmatic manipulators is left to those dedicated few who seek to drive them from the shadows and into the scouring light of the Emperor.

These are the warrior-scholars of the Dead Cabal, and you are invited to join them. A Word From the Developer For more on The Outer Reach, here’s a word from Deathwatch developer Tim Flanders: Throughout the history of the Deathwatch line, we have gone to great lengths to make the Jericho Reach feel like a living, breathing setting in which players and Game Masters can play out their epic stories. With The Achilus Assault we brought readers into the history of the Achilus Crusade and set the stage for the setting's current timeline. Then, as our spiritual successor to that book, The Jericho Reach acted as a gazetteer for players and GMs to really sink their teeth into the events and conflicts that currently plague the setting. With The Outer Reach, we've taken things in a new direction. We've pulled away from the Achilus Crusade to explore the darker stretches of the Jericho Reach.

The Outer Reach is all about mystery, dread, and the evils lurking in the shadows between the stars. This book will give Game Masters the tools necessary to create vivid story lines that showcase exploration, prophecy, and even a new foe who's arrival may spell doom for the Jericho Reach. Players, too, will find their curiosity piqued with hints of ancient mysteries and confrontations with foes from aeons long-forgotten. In the fourth quarter of 2012, join the Dead Cabal, learn what secrets they keep, and uncover their shrouded history within the Deathwatch! I can't tell you how much fun we had testing this book. No really - I can't tell you.

NDA's and all that! But in all seriousness, this one is a book that was right up my alley. I really like 40K mysteries, so a whole book dedicated to the Dead Cabal and the mysteries of the Reach is just such a rich and wonderful breeding ground for adventure ideas. This one had my head spinning with new ideas almost from the first page on. And Gauss weapons are dangerous!!!

The Dead Cabal speciality is also an interesting one. Hopefully FFG will put up a preview of the Dead Cabal speciality when they next do a preview for this book. And a bit of house-keeping. FFG wrote: Foul Xenos Have Invaded Your Local Retailer The Koronus Bestiary, a Rogue Trader Supplement, is Now On Sale “You think those Orks were bad? Wait till you land on Burnscour, or some of the other worlds out here. You’ll be wishing it was just greenskins coming after you.'

–Arch-Militant Pel Lakken From the enigmatic Eldar to the ferocious Orks, alien races seek to halt Mankind’s rightful rule of the galaxy. Will you master these foul creatures and rule the void, or become another foolhardy Explorer lost to the Expanse? The Koronus Bestiary, a supplement for Rogue Trader, is now on sale at your local retailer and through our webstore! This detailed compendium provides invaluable information on deadly beasts, hostile xenos, unholy daemons, and other dangers that fill the uncharted regions of the Koronus Expanse. In addition to its many adventure seeds and plot hooks, The Koronus Bestiary also features art and descriptions for a range of foes, including Shadowkith, Thornmaws, Void Krakens, and a host of others.

Looking for even more vile enemies? The Xenos Generator rules allow players to create alien species as varied and dangerous as they can imagine! Foes at Every Turn Humanity may have settled untold worlds in the Koronus Expanse, but only the most audacious of Rogue Traders would dare claim that it asserts any true dominion over this lawless region of space. For every conquered planet there are dozens more under the control of vile aliens.

Explorers operating in the Expanse are sure to encounter these threats in their journeys, either by accident or design, and must be ready lest their ship and their profits be lost. Each of The Koronus Bestiary’s chapters concentrates on one type of threat, ranging from savage monsters to predatory alien races to the terrors that lurk beyond reality. Chapter one examines some of the more dangerous beasts found across the Expanse, while chapter two covers the major sentient xenos races in this lawless region of space (such as the devious Stryxis, brutal Orks, treacherous Eldar, ferocious Rak’Gol, and much more). Next, chapter three presents a different sort of threat: foul warp spawn that not only destroy an Explorer’s body, but rend his very soul.

Finally, Game Masters can use chapter four’s xenos generator to produce unique beasts, dangerous plant life and even primitive sentient races ripe for exploitation and indoctrination. Innumerable terrors populate the uncharted planets of the Koronus Expanse. Will you be ready for them?

Learn more by reading our series of previews, then hunt down your copy of The Koronus Bestiary at your local retailer! Due to the weird way The Koronus Bestiary was shipped, I and a few others already have the book despite the fact that it only just came out. If y'all got any questions about it, just ask. This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/07/13 00:00:35. The Black Crusade Core Rulebook already deals with that.

Given the diversity of the Newcrons, not all of them have to wake up at the same time allowing for 'pockets' of Necrons (the dynasties specific to the Screaming Vortex and the Jericho Reach) to awaken without upsetting the overall narrative and just because Necrons wake up doesn't mean that anyone has the faintest idea what they are. Think of it as a bit like the first skirmishes - or even the the war on Tyran - against the Tyranids when Behemoth showed up. No one new what they were fighting, and no one new the greater scope or significance of what was going on. That would come later. This message was edited 1 time.

Last update was at 2012/07/13 01:01:51. You really see it that way Brook? Tome of Fate is a whole book dedicated to Tzeentch (that I wrote part of). The Lathe Worlds is a whole book dedicated to the Adeptus Mechanicus (that I wrote part of). Rising Tempest is.

Why is that on the list? The Outer Reach expands the Jericho Reach setting immeasurably and introduces the Necrons to Deathwatch. The Navis Primer is a book that finally gives a detailed look into how Navigators operate, something that I don't think has ever been done. And Soul Reaver introduces the Dark Eldar to Rogue Trader, including a playable career. There's a ton of stuff there besides just Only War (which I wrote part of). This message was edited 1 time.

Last update was at 2012/07/14 13:46:44. FFG wrote: The Successor Chapters Honour the Chapter, a Deathwatch Supplement, Is On Sale Via Download “What threat might require an entire Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes to guard against it? I for one sleep no sounder at night knowing that such warriors guard our Imperium, for my nightmares are haunted all the more by what enemies they watch for.'

–Lord Sector Marius Hax The brethren of the Deathwatch are the champions of humanity, the elite of the elite, and the very best the thousand and more Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes can produce. But while many Battle-Brothers are drawn from the most well known Chapters—the Blood Angels, the Space Wolves, the Ultramarines, and others of the First Founding—still more hail from lesser known bodies, the Successors of the great Legions. Some of these Chapters are every bit as famous as their celebrated progenitors, while others are all but unheralded. Nevertheless, all are heroes. Honour the Chapter, a supplement for Deathwatch, is now on sale via download at and! Honour the Chapter provides a wealth of options for players interested in characters drawn from Chapters created during the Second or subsequent Foundings.

This comprehensive tome contains new character creation rules, a wealth of relics unique to each Chapter, and plenty of guidance and adventure seeds for Game Masters. Epic Heroes For more on Honour the Chapter, here’s a word from its lead developer, Tim Flanders: Since the Core Rulebook, we've had a good chance to cover our core of Space Marine Chapters, and with First Founding we were able to bring the remaining progenitor Chapters to the fore. But now, for the first time since the inception of Deathwatch, we will be giving a huge number of the other myriad Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes the attention they deserve. I think players are going to really enjoy the chance to play Battle-Brothers from Chapters throughout the Imperium, each with as much depth as the Chapters we've covered in our past products.

Of course, with all this variety comes a price. Trying to form a Kill-team out of Battle-Brothers from such disparate backgrounds, all with their own histories, combat doctrines, and philosophies is tough work.

Thankfully, we've covered that, too! GMs will find Honour the Chapter indispensable for making the most of their campaigns, by highlighting the strengths of their players, their characters, and the relationships between the Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes.

In this way, they’ll really make their players feel like the epic heroes of the Imperium that they are! For ten millennia, Space Marines from a thousand chapters have fought and died in the name of the Emperor of Man. Download your copy from or today, and take your place among the legends of the Adeptus Astartes. FFG wrote: Only War Beta: Week Four Updates From the Developers on the Only War Beta Test Hello Only War Beta Testers! We are now a full month into the Only War Beta test, and—given that the average lifespan of an imperial guardsman on the front lines is only fifteen hours—this makes you all seasoned veterans of the Spinward Front! You have crafted your regiment and characters, fought against the savage enemies of the Imperium, and seen your squad grow and evolve across your campaign.

Now, it is time for us to scrutinize all of the tools that allow your squad to succeed out on the harsh battlefields of the 41st millennium. First, we want to take a closer look and the various weapons, tools, cybernetics, pieces of armour, and other wargear at your disposal (Chapter VI: Armoury). Make a few Logistics Tests, acquire a few pieces of gear your character wouldn’t normally use, or maybe a few you feel would be perfect for your character, then consider the following questions: How did the Logistics system work for your squad acquiring gear?

Were certain things too easy or too hard to obtain? Are there armoury items that your squad feels are too powerful/useful, or too weak/ineffective? Do any of the armoury items your squad chose cause any conflicts with other rules your characters have access to (such as Talents or Skills)? Do all the Availability of the items you acquired feel accurate to their power level?

Channeling the Warp Second, we would like to analyze the variety of psychic powers available to Sanctioned Psykers in Only War (Chapter VII: Psychic Powers). If you don’t currently have a Sanctioned Psyker in your squad, have one of your players temporarily create one to join your squad for a session, then consider the following questions: Are there certain psychic powers you found too powerful/useful, or too weak/ineffective?

How does your squad’s psyker compare in effectiveness to the other members of your squad? Do the experience costs of the psychic powers feel accurate to their power levels, and affordable for an advancing psyker?

As always, remember that in addition to this week’s focus, feedback on any and all sections of the Beta is welcome, and feedback on any changes introduced in this week’s update is especially helpful. Make sure to remember to download this week’s update, and check the for all the most recent updates to the Only War Beta rules. This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2012/07/24 22:09:36. FFG wrote: Shadowy Instruments of Death A Preview of The Lathe Worlds, the Upcoming Dark Heresy Supplement “We still have no explanation for the death of the passenger. The only witness claims the void-lock unexpectedly opened just as that poor soul walked nearby, while the outer lock was also open.

For both to be open is impossible when the auspex registers open void against the hull, yet it happened. I doubt we will ever know why he was so desperate to leave that system, though I am relieved he did pay in advance.” –Captain Artesia Carnelline, Killian’s Prize In May, we announced the upcoming release of The Lathe Worlds, a supplement for Dark Heresy. This invaluable tome reveals the secret history of the Lathe Worlds, from their mysterious founding to their current struggles against tech-heresy. What’s more, players will gain access to new Alternate Career Ranks and arm themselves with weapons and gifts of the Omnissiah. And in a thrilling new adventure, the Inquisitors will journey to a lost comet-station, where they’ll stop renegade tech-priests from heretical experiments into the Warp! With the release of The Lathe Worlds just a few weeks away, we’re pleased to provide our first preview. Today, we’ll look at its engaging Alternate Careers Ranks, and we’ll present a glimpse inside the pages of The Lathe World, at the Adeptus Mechanicus’s shadowy instrument of the death: the Acuitor Mech-Assassin.

The Darker Side of the Mechanicus To most within the Calixis Sector, the domains of the Adeptus Mechanicus appear as a single, impenetrable edifice. To the outside observer, they seem to be a unified organization whose presence and influence is felt almost everywhere. Those privy to the secrets of the Mechanicus, however, know all too well of the overlapping layers of military might, of the conciliators who promise things beyond imagination, and of the factions that cast out any who fail to conform. Some even know of the darker side of the Mechanicus—the watchers and assassins who bring swift and unyielding punishment to the enemies of the Mechanicus. Some choose to reject the institutions of the Machine Cult, forming rival cults to oppose them. Others are born directly into the system, their lives an endless torrent of work and toil from birth to death. It is a horrific system, one not understood by many, but one that is vital to all.

Serving one such important function, the Mech-Assassins possess innumerable technological methods by which to dispose of their enemies. Hailing from secret fortresses scattered throughout the Calixis Sector, Mech-Assassins possess a unique outlook on the galaxy: nearly everything can be used as a deadly weapon. Download our to learn more about these heartless killers. Look for another preview of The Lathe Worlds next week, and get ready for your quest for knowledge in the name of the Omnissiah!

And next week should be, with any luck, my designer diary! FFG wrote: Daemons of Tzeentch A Preview of The Tome of Fate, the Upcoming Black Crusade Supplement “You think me mad, and I do not dispute it. But there is something within that burning orb, and its unleashing will sound the death knell of a thousand thousand worlds.” –High Adept Lobile of Velklir, upon his return from the Flaming Tomb In March, the upcoming release of The Tome of Fate, a supplement for Black Crusade. The first of four books delving into the darkest secrets of the Ruinous Powers, The Tome of Fate presents invaluable information on Tzeentch’s dark servants, both daemonic and mortal, and how his influence is felt across the Screaming Vortex.

With new weapons and psychic powers to aid them, Heretics can go forth across that unholy stretch of stars and beyond into the depths of the fallen Imperium, ready to challenge Fate and make it their own. We've been quiet about The Tome of Fate for a while, but we're pleased to report that it will be on store shelves in just over two weeks. We're therefore pleased to resume our series of previews. In our first preview, we presented a look at Tzeentch’s Thousand and One Plots, and we learned of the inherent futility in any attempt to decipher the Lord of Lies’ countless schemes.

After that, we trembled before the raw power of one of his most potent servants, the Thousand Sons Sorcerer. Today, we’ll glimpse a planet in the Screaming Vortex that serves as a conduit for Tzeentch’s chaotic efforts. We’ll also preview three of his sanity-shattering minions. A Burned and Blackened Orb The Flaming Tomb at first appears to be just another volcanically volatile world, its surface a random pattern of light and darkness as fissures and cracks in its ever-shifting crust reveal the surging magma beneath.

But from certain perspectives it is almost as if a pattern emerges from the seemingly random movement, if only one were to look from the right vantage, in the right frame of mind, and at the right moment. Among those whose minds tend towards idle speculation, or those who yearn for a quick and easy road to power within the Screaming Vortex, there are many theories regarding the phantom patterns of the Flaming Tomb; patterns that most people who have visited the planet deny even exist. Some unsettled scholars whisper that a powerful entity was trapped within the planet, entombed there by an enormous authority for some heinous crime or failure. Some posit that it is one of the regal Lords of Change trapped within by the displeased Sovereign of Deception.

Others suspect that it may be a great daemon prince, some former champion of the Great Schemer whose failure has earned it eternal consignment to the fiery prison. The softest whispers tell of a great psychic champion of the Corpse-God, a servant of the faltering Imperium, condemned to this hellish tomb by a single moment of mortal weakness. Chaos’ Playground One thing is certain.

Due to the Flaming Tomb’s close proximity to the Lower Vortex, daemons of every size and description find it easier to exist upon the enigmatic ball of char than on any planet of the Gloaming Worlds or within the Inner Ring. Often, daemons of Tzeentch cavort upon the blasted and poisoned surface, frolicking through convulsive detonations, dancing to the beat of music only they can hear. Those mortals wishing to seek out the daemons of the Monarch of Permutation but lacking confidence in their own powers, often turn to the Flaming Tomb, knowing that there the veil between the material realm and the mindscape is frighteningly thin.

Today, we’re pleased to present an, in which you can learn more about two of Tzeentch’s favorite pets, Flamers and Discs, as well as the ethereal daemon prince Phokulozortis! Download it today, and prepare for The Tome of Fate’s arrival in stores in just a few short weeks. Lathes Worlds and Tome of Fate all within a few weeks of one another. This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/07/31 23:10:53. FFG wrote: Pray They Do Not Take You Alive A Preview of The Soul Reaver, the Upcoming Rogue Trader Supplement “We are the lords of despair, masters of terror. Dread and agony are our meat and wine, and they are plentiful indeed!” – Attributed to Asdrubael Vect The Dark Eldar are a plague upon the Koronus Expanse; raiders, slavers, pirates, and even Rogue Traders suffer at their barbed lashes and blades.

Any who cross the Maw and sail the void of the Koronus Expanse learn to fear the wicked silhouettes of their ships and their seemingly endless cruelty towards all life, including their own. Only vigilance and firepower keep the worst depredations of these terrible raiders at bay, though from the dens of Footfall to the commerce halls of Port Wander there are countless tales of crew lost and ships savaged in their sudden attacks. Earlier this year, we announced the upcoming release of The Soul Reaver, an adventure in three parts for Rogue Trader. This epic campaign is a chance for daring Explorers to look deep into the twisted heart of Dark Eldar society in the Koronus Expanse, and pull the greatest heist of their careers. Now, with the release of The Soul Reaver just a few weeks away, we’re pleased to feature a word from one of its contributing writers, Nathan Dowdell: Ruthless and Cunning The Dark Eldar are a vile and depraved breed of sadists and murderers, vicious predators of the void who find insane strength and nightmarish vitality in the torments they inflict. Yet in spite of this – or perhaps because of it – the Dark Eldar are the latest species to become available as playable characters in Rogue Trader.

While the Dark Eldar are every bit as terrible as their dread reputations may suggest, they are also a selfish, ambitious, and mercenary people. Their culture is dominated by murderous politics, where advancement and loyalty both come at knife-point, and where any with sufficient desire and ruthlessness can achieve great heights.

In this regard, they are little different from many of those who travel the untamed void as Explorers, and a willing Rogue Trader may find an unlikely ally in a Dark Eldar Kabalite Warrior. The Soul Reaver provides circumstances by which a Dark Eldar character may join a group of Explorers, as well as the full rules for using a Kabalite Warrior character. In such a new ally, you may find a consummate warrior and assassin, whose powers only increase as the death toll rises. Every Dark Eldar feeds upon the pain and terror of others, and this is fully realised in game terms, with an assortment of traits and talents that represent the supernatural prowess that comes with a bounty of suffering. However, those Dark Eldar who cannot sate their unnatural thirst will find their powers waning and diminishing. Furthermore, the book contains an extensive arsenal of Dark Eldar wargear, providing each Kabalite Warrior with the perfect tools with which to spread agony and despair. However, these tools are not only for Player Characters to enjoy.

The Soul Reaver contains a bestiary of Dark Eldar adversaries, covering everything from cruel Kabalite Warriors and vicious Wyches to shrieking Reaver Jetbikers and the horrific creations of the Haemonculi. All of these employ the same kinds of equipment, talents and traits that player characters can enjoy, making them a match for any who might cross their path.

To round things out, rules for Dark Eldar starships and an assortment of vehicles that use the vehicle rules from Into the Storm can be found within this book as well, turning it into a comprehensive look at using the Dark Eldar as allies, enemies or both in your games of Rogue Trader. Thanks, Nathan. Look for more on The Soul Reaver over the next few weeks, and head to your local retailer to place your pre-order! FFG wrote: Only War Beta: Week Five Updates From the Developers on the Only War Beta Test Hello Only War Beta Testers! This week, in addition to the usual pdf update and weekly focus, we would like to share with you a couple things currently being worked on internally which we think you will be very excited about.

First of all, we are working with the numbers on anti-vehicle weapon Damages and vehicle Armour values to help make combat involving vehicles more fast-moving, smooth, and fun. Second, we are investigating the Damage amounts and special abilities on certain universal starting weapons to improve the effectiveness of the average guardsman. We are really excited for you to see these changes in the coming weeks, and for you to get your hands on these new tweaks and start talking about them. However, for now these alterations are still in progress, and we already have an excellent amount of feedback on these subjects from all of your e-mails and forum discussions. So, until we get these new numbers out to you, we would be interested in hearing your feedback on some other issues, such as this week’s focus: Brotherhood in Battle Your Comrade is your lifeline in battle, watching your back and fighting alongside you through thick and thin. During this week of the Only War Beta, we would like to take a closer look at your brothers-in-arms. Drawing on the experience you have gained with the Comrade system during the past weeks of this Beta, as well as your playtest sessions this week, please consider the following questions: In what areas of your roleplaying experience do you find Comrades add the most?

Are there any areas in which you feel they fall short? Are there any Comrade advances that your squad feels are too powerful/useful, or too weak/ineffective? Do the experience costs of the Comrade advances feel accurate to their power level? As always, remember that in addition to this week’s focus, feedback on any and all sections of the Beta is welcome, and feedback on any changes introduced in this week’s update is especially helpful.

Make sure to remember to download this week’s update, and check the for all the most recent updated to the Only War Beta rules. I’ll be very interested to see what they’re doing to my vehicle profiles. FFG wrote: From the Ashes of War A Preview of The Lathe Worlds, an Upcoming Dark Heresy Supplement “They came upon our position like a river of red; an unbroken line of armour and guns stretching across our battle lines. Without a word they opened fire, and I witnessed destruction the likes of which I had never seen. Minutes passed, and still they kept firing. With so few of us left, I knew it was the end, and at that moment, as I took one last look at the grim facades of these soldiers, I knew the Machine God was real.

I threw my weapon away and awaited his judgement.' – Last recorded testament of Vasallis Noch, the Butcher of Sahcrin The Lathe Worlds, a supplement for Dark Heresy, is coming next week!

This invaluable tome reveals the secret history of the Lathe Worlds, from their mysterious founding to their current struggles against tech-heresy. What’s more, players will gain access to new Alternate Careers such as the Mech-Assassin and Agent of the Lords Dragon, and arm themselves with weapons and gifts of the Omnissiah. And in a thrilling new adventure, your team will journey to a lost comet-station, where they’ll stop renegade tech-priests from heretical experiments into the Warp! As we prepare for its release, we’re pleased to present a word from contributing writer Matthew Eustace (H.B.M.C. On our forums): I’ve long been fascinated with the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Imperium’s own “empire within an empire.” They always seemed like an enormous organisation that constantly sat in your peripheral vision – never front and centre, yet you always knew they were there – and when the chance to expand upon the Mechanicum’ history within the Calixis Sector came up I jumped at the chance. Philosophical Differences One area of The Lathes Worlds that I enjoyed writing was any place where I could take parts of Calixian history, such as the Meritech Wars or the War of Brass, and inject that history into both the new alternate careers as well as various types of weapons and equipment. Two great examples of this are the Crimson Guard and Cult of the Pure Form.

These two organisations rose from the ashes of terrible wars, yet exist as polar opposites to one another – one an army of enhanced soldiers loyal to the Mechanicum, the other a group that sees the Mechanicum as a dire threat to humanity! The Crimson Guard, also known as the Venatorii, are the elite forces of the Lathe Worlds.

Unique to the Calixis Sector, their history stems from the decimation the War of Brass wrought upon the regular Skitarii forces of the Lathes. Built up whilst the regular Lathe armies recovered, the Crimson Guard have almost become a kind of Mechanicum special forces, and unlike most branches of the Adeptus Mechanicus are known to work with the Inquisition as advisors and bodyguards. The Cult of the Pure Form finds their origins in the aftermath of another horrific conflict, the Malygrisian Tech-Heresy. They view cybernetics as a blight upon humanity and something that sullies sacred flesh. Their whole existence focuses on undermining the Machine Cult and “liberating” poor souls who have found themselves “defiled” by cybernetics. Another Mechanicum trait I like is the way forge worlds manufacture equipment that is similar in function yet has its own local spin (a Mars-Pattern Lasgun versus an Accatran-Pattern Lasgun, for example).

Using the history of the Calixian forge worlds I took this idea and ran with it for many of the weapons and equipment within the Armoury. The Perinetus-Pattern Servo Harness, the Midath-Pattern Power Glove and the Het-Pattern Rapier tap into the histories of these worlds to better bring them to life, making them more than simple tools or weapons, but things that have a logical place within the larger Calixis Sector.

I’m sure Dark Heresy players will find a wealth of mechanical miracles within The Lathe Worlds’ pages. The Mechanicum has always played a large role in our campaigns, and once this book is out I’m certain that there will be Tech-Priests everywhere! There ya go Kan! That last reference was just for you! This message was edited 2 times.

Last update was at 2012/08/04 01:43:13. FFG wrote: Digital Daemons The Koronus Bestiary, A Rogue Trader Supplement, Is On Sale Via Download “They descend from the heavens like a maelstrom of destruction. Everything they seek and everything that they find lies in ruins, for they are of a lost age. Though if they do find the treasure they seek, a new Age of Strife may come upon us all.'

–The Witches of Footfall, prior to the first sighting of the Rak’Gol From the enigmatic Eldar to the ferocious Orks, alien races seek to halt Mankind’s rightful rule of the galaxy. Will you master these foul creatures and rule the void, or become another foolhardy Explorer lost to the Expanse?

The Koronus Bestiary, a supplement for Rogue Trader, is now available for sale via download through and! This detailed compendium provides invaluable information on deadly beasts, hostile xenos, unholy daemons, and other dangers that fill the uncharted regions of the Koronus Expanse. In addition to its many adventure seeds and plot hooks, The Koronus Bestiary also features art and descriptions for a range of foes, including Shadowkith, Thornmaws, Void Krakens, and a host of others.

Looking for even more vile enemies? The Xenos Generator rules allow players to create alien species as varied and dangerous as they can imagine! Threats to the Expanse Humanity may have settled untold worlds in the Koronus Expanse, but only the most audacious of Rogue Traders would dare claim that it asserts any true dominion over this lawless region of space. For every conquered planet there are dozens more under the control of vile aliens. Explorers operating in the Expanse are sure to encounter these threats in their journeys, either by accident or design, and must be ready lest their ship and their profits be lost.

Each of The Koronus Bestiary’s chapters concentrates on one type of threat, ranging from savage monsters to predatory alien races to the terrors that lurk beyond reality. Chapter one examines some of the more dangerous beasts found across the Expanse, while chapter two covers the major sentient xenos races in this lawless region of space (such as the devious Stryxis, brutal Orks, treacherous Eldar, ferocious Rak’Gol, and much more). Next, chapter three presents a different sort of threat: foul warp spawn that not only destroy an Explorer’s body, but rend his very soul. Finally, Game Masters can use chapter four’s xenos generator to produce unique beasts, dangerous plant life and even primitive sentient races ripe for exploitation and indoctrination. Innumerable terrors populate the uncharted planets of the Koronus Expanse. Will you be ready for them?

Learn more by reading our series of previews, then download your copy of The Koronus Bestiary! And the latest Only War Beta update, Week 6, in which we see that they've changed virtually every armour value on every vehicle. FFG wrote: Only War Beta: Week Six Updates From the Developers on the Only War Beta Test Hello Only War Beta Testers! Thank you for your patience as we have been working internally to address some of the larger pieces of feedback from these past few weeks. This week’s update is our biggest one yet, and it includes a bunch of new tweaks we think you are going to be very excited to see.

Make sure to keep your weekly update pdf files handy as you test this week’s focus, as many of the changes have a direct impact on the balance, and we are very interested in hearing any and all feedback relating to the recent changes. We are now entering the final stretch of the Only War Beta, and only have two more weeks left to get your feedback integrated into the product. Next week’s update will be our last one, and we will be accepting any and all feedback through August 21st. So make sure to get your reports submitted to the beta email (, or posted on the forums before time runs out! War Machines of the Imperium This week’s focus is for all the tank fans out there; we are going to be looking in depth at the Only War vehicles rules. Using all of the latest changes to vehicle weapons and armour, give your squad at least one vehicle (if they don’t already have one) and then consider the following questions as you play: How do you feel vehicles scale up against each-other?

Are there certain weapons or vehicles that you find are too strong or too weak? How do you feel vehicles scale against infantry? Are there certain vehicles or weapons that are too powerful or too weak against infantry? Are there certain infantry weapons that are too powerful or too weak against vehicles?

Do any of the vehicles or vehicle rules cause any conflicts with other rules your characters use or have access to? As always, remember that in addition to this week’s focus, feedback on any and all sections of the Beta is welcome, and feedback on any changes introduced in this week’s update is especially helpful. (high-res pdf, 34.9 MB) (low-res pdf, 2.7 MB) Make sure to remember to download this week’s update, and check the for all the most recent updates to the Only War Beta rules. So a nice big stress test for my tank rules. Should be interesting to see the results! And, of course, if any of you feel so inclined, you can also still read this.

Y'know, if you want. No pressure or anything. This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2012/08/08 12:52:33. FFG wrote: Mysteries of the Adeptus Mechanicus The Lathe Worlds, a Dark Heresy Supplement, Is Now Available “Knowledge is power, and power is dangerous.” –Unknown The Lathe Worlds, the latest supplement for Dark Heresy, is now on sale at your local retailer and on our webstore! This invaluable tome reveals the secret history of the Lathe Worlds, from their mysterious founding to their current struggles against tech-heresy.

What’s more, players will gain access to new Alternate Careers such as the Mech-Assassin and Agent of the Lords Dragon, and arm themselves with weapons and gifts of the Omnissiah. And in a thrilling new adventure, your team will journey to a lost comet-station, where they’ll stop renegade tech-priests from heretical experiments into the Warp! Fathom the Unfathomable In the Imperium of Man, technology is commonplace.but it is also mysterious and unfathomable. Cctv Dvr Password Hack.

Such knowledge is the carefully guarded domain of the Adeptus Mechanicus, and has been for thousands of years. They are the Cult of the Machine God, worshipping the Emperor as their Omnissiah, the Perfect Sum of All Knowledge. Their Explorator fleets search across the galaxy for lost knowledge from ages long past. Their mechanically augmented tech-priests on thousands of forge worlds strive to preserve what precious little data they retain.

Both quests continue, though they are mere flickering candles against the oppressive darkness of stagnation and ignorance. With each century, actual understanding descends to dogma, rote instruction, and myth, as priceless knowledge is lost forever. Within the Calixis Sector, the Adeptus Mechanicus is centered on the Lathe Worlds, and from these three planets the Mechanicum oversees its domains of forge worlds, research stations, orbitals, and even entire systems.

From these worlds, precious knowledge and holy technology flow throughout the Sector, while the Cult Mechanicus carefully hoards even greater secrets for its own, inscrutable purposes. The Lathe Worlds allows Dark Heresy players to delve deeper into the mysteries of the Adeptus Mechanicus within the Calixis Sector.

The Cult of the Machine God stretches across this region and beyond, ruling each of its worlds in the name of the Omnissiah, outside the purview of the Inquisition or other Imperial agencies. The Lathes struggle to control their domains, however, and dark areas of the Sector hide countless tech-heresies and dangerous researches. The Word of the Omnissiah For more on The Lathe Worlds, here’s a word from its developer, Tim Huckelbery: The Adeptus Mechanicus has always been a big part of the Warhammer 40,000 lore, and The Lathe Worlds gives us a great opportunity to explore this mysterious organization and how they operate in the Calixis Sector. I’ve always loved the insane science of the Mechanicum, and it was great to work with fellow fans to produce this book. Past Dark Heresy supplements had some fragments of their sects and forge worlds, but here we really reveal the scale and power of the Cult of the Machine God. Players will get a host of new Mechanicum careers and armory items inside, but we’ve also included the virulently anti-tech Cult of the Pure Form for those not who do not worship the Omnissiah. The actual Lathe Worlds themselves were also great fun to create.

These forge worlds, research stations, orbitals, and other domains of the Adeptus Mechanicus make for a wonderful collection of places worthy of Inquisitorial attention, especially those isolated locations engaging in forbidden research and mad science. GMs will get a host of such settings in this book, complete with NPCs and adventure seeds for their Acolytes to explore, investigate, and (if they are lucky) not end up as Servitors!

Begin your quest for knowledge in the name of the Omnissiah. Pick up your copy of The Lathe Worlds today! So go out and get it! This book is awesome.

It’s full of Tech-Priests (which should keep Kan happy) and loads of cool new weapons and archeotech and great new careers like the Crimson Guard and Lathesmasters. Plus loads of new worlds to explore, and way more detail on the history and organisation of the Calixis Mechanicus. FFG wrote: Master the Mission Announcing The Game Master's Kit for Only War “We cannot suffer any more losses, or we will lose this front. This cannot stand, Colonel Garn. Allow me to take a contingent of our best men, and we will end this threat once and for all.' –Last Recorded Words of Lieutenant Uron Halle, 23rd Maccabian Janissaries Guide your squad to success over their mission with The Game Master’s Kit for Only War!

This helpful resource features a sturdy Game Master’s screen, which displays eye-catching Only War art on one side and a wealth of convenient references on the other. In addition, The Game Master’s Kit includes a 32-page full color booklet with a complete adventure, a selection of useful NPCs, and helpful advice for GMs about managing comrades and more. Old Soldiers Challenge your players with the included adventure, “Old Soldiers,” which takes a group of squadmates to the feral and war-torn world of Virbius. A base of operations in an ongoing struggle against the Severan Dominate, Virbius is an Emperor-forsaken rock inhabited by tribal, combat-bike riding nomads. But on a mission deep behind enemy lines, the player characters will learn a disturbing truth about the Imperium’s foes. Then, they’ll have to use all the cunning, ingenuity, and determination they can muster to return to Imperial lines with their lives, and with vital information about Virbius’s true dangers.

With a wealth of useful content, The Game Master’s Kit is the perfect enhancement for your Only War experience. Look for it on store shelves later this year!

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