Qsysopr Break Handling Program Ma


You also agree that your personal information may be transferred and processed in the United States, and that you have read and agree to the and the. Normally, or the printer is waiting for a forms change. Messages sent to Qsysopr that need human intervention can be forced to break at any workstation you want. We determine who we want to act as a Sysopr to answer those messages, then use the following CL program in their user profile. Once they sign on all Qsysopr messages that require a response will break at their terminal. Only one user at a time can use this technique.

Qsysopr Break Handling Program Ma

Message break-handling program helps you monitor inquiry messages. Message queue is in *BREAK mode and a + break handling program is. In QSYSOPR, you get a.


Qsysopr Break Handling Program Ma

Jump to:• • • • • • • • • • Sponsored Links Next• 1. I have an iSeries V5R2 machine with ServiceTool userID disabled. When I try to log I see a message 'Service tools user ID has been disabled'.

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After establishing system and user auxiliary storage pools, which of the following steps must be completed in DST to activate remote load source mirroring? A.Enable remote load source mirroring, then start mirroring b.Move one unit of the load source mirrored pair to another IOA, after mirroring has been started c. Rosetta Stone Swahili Isotopes more. On the remote system, enable remote load source mirroring on the local system d.On the local system, enable remote load source mirroring on the remote system • 3.

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Do you guys recommend other software? By the way, do you guys have used TL Ashford? Please give your suggestions. I've got some problems getting this printer work. The printer is connected directly to the LAN, and has its own IP-adresse.

I know how to use the CRTDEVPRT command, but I haven't got all the parameters right, since it's not working. The spool-files in the out-queue are going in *HLD after I've tried to release them from the queue. Can someone help me???? Yours Sincerly Lars Gunnar Orvik System Consultant. Hi All, I have a break-handler program on the QSYSOPR message queue. Everything works exactly as advertised except that the operators are complaining that they can not interact with the QSYSOPR from the green-screen 5250 using DSPMSG. Stated differently, when I issue the CHGMSGQ command to associated the break-handler program with the QSYSOPR message queue, CHGMSGQ obtains an exclusive lock on the message queue.

The break-handler program does not manipulate or remove the messages, it only reads from the queue. Is it possible to have a break-handler program that does not obtain an exclusive lock?

Here is the CHGMSGQ command: CHGMSGQ MSGQ(QSYSOPR) DLVRY(*BREAK) PGM(LIB/PGM *ALWRPY) SEV(10) Thanks in advance, Tony. You almost have it. Break handling attributes: PGM Break handling program....

>PGM Library.......... >LIB Allow other jobs to reply.. >*ALWRPY *NOALWRPY: When the message queue is in *BREAK mode with a brea handling program other than *DSPMSG specified, other jobs can display the message queue, but cannot reply to inquiry messages on the message queue.

*ALWRPY: When the message queue is in *BREAK mode with a break handling program other than *DSPMSG specified, other jobs can reply to inquiry messages on the message queue. By setting the 'Allow other jobs to reply' to '*ALWRPY' should (It works for me.) allow the operators to interact with the messages as well. Hope this helps. Hi Dan, First off, thank you for responding. I am still unclear as to how to solve the problem since what you have described, appears to be what I am doing.

The only thing that I don't understand is 'When the message queue is in *BREAK mode with a break handling program other than *DSPMSG specified.' What indicates that the break-handling program has *DSPMSG specified and what does that mean and (most importanly) how to I specify this attribute for the CL break-handling program?

Thanks again, Tony that associated obtains an exclusive. Nthony, When I read your first message I understood that the break message program was working and the only issue was that the operators were not able to answer messages manually. This should be correctable by changing the 'Allow other jobs to reply' to '*ALWRPY'. But I guess I've missed something. If you like to send me more detail or perhaps the code your trying to get to work I'll load it on my system at home and take a look. I'm on V5r1m0.

XXXX@XXXXX. Character Builder Download Update. COM Please remove '.nojunkmail'. Dan 'Anthony LaMark' wrote in message news. Question: what are you montoring for? I wrote a Control Language monitor program to catch any critical messages related to ASP full, disk failures, and user profiles disabled, and I'm not using the QSYSOPR message queue.

CJ 'QMAGIC' wrote in message news: XXXX@XXXXX.COM. Anthony, When I read your first message I understood that the break message program was working and the only issue was that the operators were not able to answer messages manually. This should be correctable by changing the 'Allow other jobs to reply' to '*ALWRPY'. But I guess I've missed something. If you like to send me more detail or perhaps the code your trying to get to work I'll load it on my system at home and take a look. I'm on V5r1m0.

XXXX@XXXXX.COM Please remove '.nojunkmail'. Dan 'Anthony LaMark' wrote in message news. Similar Threads: 1.

Hi All, I have a break-handler program allocated to QSYSOPR but when a full system backup is scheduled (GO SAVE OPT 21), it won't submit because of the break-handler allocated to QSYSOPR. Is it possible to continue to have the break-handler allocated during restricted state (i.e. Is there an additional parameter I can add to CHGMSQ when the break-handler is allocated)? Thanks in advance.

Hi All, Is it possible to have a break-handler program allocated to QSYSOPR when the system is in restricted state (i.e. Like specify a parameter specifing this when issuing CHGMSGQ when allocating the break-handler program)? Thanks in advance.

I've got a Full System backup that runs once a month and in that backup one of the first steps is that is sends a user message (SNDUSRMSG) to QSYSOPR that is picked up and sent along to our operations staff to let them know the backup is starting. The problem is when that is executed, the message (type *INFO) breaks to the screen and the job goes into a DSPW and stops processing. The QSYSOPR message queue is set to *HOLD so I would not expect this to happen.

Can anyone shed some light on how to keep this from happening? Thanks, iSeriesDude. Is it a rule that a message queue break handling program cannot be called recursively? Chgmsgq msgq(qsysopr) dlvry(*break) pgm(mypgm) When a message arrives in the message queue my break handling program is called. The issue I am having is when a 2nd message arrives in the message queue before the break handling program has returned from handling the first message, the 2nd message does not break into the break handling program.

Is this clear? Am I correct that the message queue break handling program has to return before the system calls the break handler program with the next message? Thanks, -Steve 5. I have this external USB HD that I only turn it on when needed. One time, when trying to mount, it asked if I would like to check the HD.

I clicked yes, and it started checking for a while but stopped at 99%. Maybe I was too impatient, I turn it off and tried to mount it again. After attempting with disk reading noise, it couldn't. It gave a message that the HD needed to be formatted to use. The drive changed its name to 'Local Drive.'

I tried a few programs and it seems that I can recover files with programs such as R-Studio but I can't mount the drive. It's rather inconvenient to retrieve files this way. I'd like to mount the drive and copy some files and then reformat the drive. Is there a program to mount a HD like the condition my HD is in?

Thanks, liu 6.

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