Matlab Program For Dolph Chebyshev Arraylist

Matlab Program For Dolph Chebyshev Arraylist

%%MATLAB PROGRAM FOR Dolph_Chebyshev ARRAY. Clear; clc; tic;%%ACCEPTING INPUTS. N= input( ' nEnter the number of Elements::->'); d= input( ' nEnter the distance between the elements::->'); c= 180.*d; An= 1; z= mod(N, 2); theta= 1: 360; m= 1:N;%%CALCULATING ARRAY FACTOR AND ARRAY ELEMENT. If(z== 0)%'N' is Even.%sum = 0; u = c.* cosd(theta); AF = cumsum((An.* cosd(( 2.*m- 1).*u))); AE = ( cosd( 90.* cosd(theta)))./ sind(theta); else%'N' is Odd.%sum = 0; u = c.* cosd(theta); sum = sum+(An.* cosd( 2.*(m- 1).*u)); AF = sum; AE = ( cosd( 90.* cosd(theta)))./ sind(theta); end AF= abs(AF);%%PLOTTING. Theta= linspace( 0, 2* pi, 360); subplot( 221); polar(theta,AE) subplot( 222); polar(theta,AF) subplot( 2, 2,[ 3, 4]); polar(theta,AE.*AF) legend( 'Dolph-Chebyshev array ', 'Location ', 'SouthEastOutside ') toc.

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