Keyence Xg Vision Editor Manual


New tools, including Auto-Teach Inspection and point and click measurement tools, make inspections quick and easy to create. Auto-Teach Inspection can automatically create an inspection based on a set of good parts: Once shown known good parts the tool will automatically recognize existing variations and recognize any parts that are different as defective. High-precision measurements can be done quickly and easily through simple mouse operations, with no calculations required. Users simply choose the dimension they are looking for, and then draw a line on the top and left edges and the intersection is automatically calculated.

Added on January 17. XG-7000 Series Customizable Vision System Catalog[PDF:1.4MB] All (115) Support (56). CV-X Series User Manual.

The Camera Installation Replication tool guides users to adjust the camera and lens with the correct position, focus, and brightness settings. The tool uses a pre-registered image with which to compare the current image. The result is an easy way to re-adjust bumped cameras or to quickly implement the same vision inspection onto other lines. For ease in troubleshooting the unit's software generates a user manual customized to the user's specific programs.

Keyence Xg Vision Editor ManualKeyence Xg Vision Editor Manual

The generated manual will include explanations of the main parameters, a list of tools to be used, basic tool settings, and more. It can also include (if desired) tips describing how each tool's parameter is typically adjusted. >>For more information on this product, click.

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