Hack Router Port 53 Dns

Hack Router Port 53 Dns

If you attempt to send e-mail to a remote user, your workstation connects to port 25 on a mail server. ○ Port 53 (Domain Name System)—If a server on your network uses DNS, it's using port 53. Most networks require a DNS server so that users can connect to Web sites with URLs instead of IP addresses. When a user enters. Hack Router Port 53 Udp Dns. 19 Network News Transfer Protocol. 21 Encore Expedited Remote Pro.

Almostleft half of the Internet users across the globe use ADSL routers/modems to connect to the Internet. However, most of them are unaware of the fact that it has a serious vulnerability in it which can easily be exploited by anyone with a basic knowledge of computer. In this post, I will show you how to hack an Ethernet ADSL router by exploiting the common vulnerability that lies in it. Every router comes with a username and password using which it is possible to gain access to the router settings and configure the device. The vulnerability actually lies in the Default username and password that comes with the factory settings.

Usually the routers come preconfigured from the Internet Service provider and hence the users do not bother to change the password later. This makes it possible for the attackers to gain unauthorized access to the router and modify its settings using a common set of default usernames and passwords. Here is how you can do it. Before you proceed, you need the following tool in the process. I have used Angry IP Scanner v3.0 beta-4. If you are using a different version, you need to Go to Options instead of Tools• Now click on Start. After a few minutes, the IP scanner will show a list of IPs with Port 80 open as shown in the below image: • Now copy any of the IP from the list, paste it in your browser’s address bar and hit enter.

A window will popup asking for username and password. Since most users do not change the passwords, it should most likely work with the default username and password. For most routers the default username-password pair will be admin-admin or admin-password.

Just enter the username-password as specified above and hit enter. If you are lucky you should gain access to the router settings page where you can modify any of the router settings. The settings page can vary from router to router.

A sample router settings page is shown below: If you do not succeed to gain access, select another IP from the list and repeat the step-5. At least 1 out of 5 IPs will have a default password and hence you will surely be able to gain access. What can a Hacker do by Gaining Access to the Router Settings?

By gaining access to the router settings, it is possible for an attacker to modify any of the router settings which results in the malfunction of the router. As a result the target user’s computer will be disconnected from the Internet. In the worst case the attacker can copy the ISP login details from the router to steal the Internet connection or even hijack the DNS by pointing it at a rouge DNS server. If this happens, the victim will have to reconfigure/reset the router settings in order to bring it back to normal. The Verdict: If you are using an ADSL router to connect to the Internet, it is highly recommended that you immediately change your password to prevent any such attacks in the future.

Who knows, you may be the next victim of such an attack. Since the configuration varies from router to router, you need to contact your ISP for details on how to change the password for your model. Dear srikanth, thanks for the post on adsl router hacking,it really worked even i got username and password of an i-baton modem,which is ayt kasaragod,kerala.i dont have internet at my home so i tried this in cafe after reaching home i used his username and password in my netgear router but it doesnt connectwhy is it???is it not possible?

The thing is i didnt disconnect his router from internet,will it be a reason for that????pls replyyyyyy eagerly waiting for your reply and other such posts yous sincerly Ashif • Srikanth says. Hello srikanth, thanks for the info. Generally, the broadband modems contains linux/mac OS. Those friends who says that they stole passwd and all, I dont think it would work because the MAC address will be different. However, logging into these virtual terminals doesnt suffice the role of a hacker. Hacking is not breaking into a computer or to steal passwds. It is more about how this functions.

A few challanges for readers. Even logging into the virtual terminal using public ip how you people can really log into a person’s computer?

How you can intrude with a firewall installed in a victim’s computer. Secondly, how can you keep yourself in stealth and evade.

Please remember more knowledge more resposibility. Never harm anyone’s computer. How will you feel if someone does to you Happy Hacking. 🙂 palash • Srikanth says.

It's all about recon. The more an attacker can map your network, the better off they are.

This can be especially sensitive if you have static IP's that don't move around. DNS servers, given you do not separate out recursive services from SOA (given you have any), can be used for various attacks that will affect hosts on your network such as cache poisoning. Not to mention, that by opening up your DNS server with little config tweaking (rate-limiting, ACLs, etc. Sky Firmware Update Hijack on this page. ), you are opening yourself up for DNS Amplification and Reflection attacks similar to what is being seen with NTP lately. Examples and explanations of the NTP reflection can be found here: If you would like to know how to best secure your DNS server, I point you to the following document that the NSA published on securing the DNS architecture.

All NSA jokes aside, this is some very good information that falls inline with industry best practices. The document can be found here.

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