Bill Phillips Eating For Life Pdf Reader

Bill Phillips Eating For Life Pdf ReaderBill Phillips Eating For Life Pdf Reader

Kindle Cloud Reader. Bill Phillips has created Eating for Life to help inspire and guide even more people to improve their health and lift their quality of life. Transformation expert Bill Phillips has trained pro athletes, celebrities, and millions of people around the world. Learn about his 12-week trainer and get ready to transform your life! This was the perfect program to get me back into a routine of eating healthy and working out on a regular basis!

Read Eating for Life (Bill Phillips ) Ebook Online • 1. Read Eating for Life (Bill Phillips ) Ebook Online • Book details Author: Bill Phillips Pages: 416 pages Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers (Australia) Pty Ltd 2004-12-15 Language: English ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 540 • Description this book Featuring 150 nutritious, balanced recipes, this is a book about feeding your body, not starving it. It s a celebration of the abundant variety of nutritious, delicious foods that support your health, while satisfying your appetite.Download Read Eating for Life (Bill Phillips ) Ebook Online PDF Free Donwload Here Featuring 150 nutritious, balanced recipes, this is a book about feeding your body, not starving it. It s a celebration of the abundant variety of nutritious, delicious foods that support your health, while satisfying your appetite.

New Study shows Vitamin D cuts risk of premature death in half A new research study is now reporting that low levels of Vitamin D in the blood could mean twice the risk of premature death compared with those who have high levels of Vitamin D. The study involved data from 32 studies published between 1966 and 2013, reflecting a total of 566,583 participants from 14 countries, and was led by Cedric Garland, DrPH, from the Department of Family and Preventative Medicine at the University of California, San Diego. Garland states that two-thirds of the U.S. Population suffers from low Vitamin D levels. “Three years ago, the institute of Medicine concluded that have a too-low blood level of Vitamin D was hazardous,” Garland said in a press statement.

“This study supports that conclusion, but goes one step further. This new finding is based on the association of low Vitamin D with risk of premature death from all causes, not just done diseases.” Study co-author Heath Hofflich, DO, of the UC San Diego School of Medicine, states that 4,000 International Units of Vitamin D per day is appropriate and safe. The researchers advise everyone to get their Vitamin D levels checked each year and also confer with their doctor regarding Vitamin D dosage requirements. Vitamin D has shown to be effective on everything from lowering cancer risk, improving heart health, resolving depression, aiding fat loss, and improving health lifespan. +++(Two servings of Bill Phillips’ STRONGEVITY Rx fitness and longevity supplement provides 4,000 IU of the highest quality, biologically active, cholecalciferol [Vitamin D3].). From: Bill Phillips October 6, 2014 Who wants to save $400 while I help you get in the best shape of your life?

Quick News: I found out just 10 minutes ago that we can still make room for one more person to attend my fitness transformation Camp this weekend here at my Center in Colorado. Camp starts Friday morning at 9:00 and we go almost all day and evening Friday and Saturday, then we wrap up at noon on Sunday (October 10, 11, 12). Physicians come to our Camp to take their own health and fitness to the next level. Lawyers, Military Officers, Business Owners, Nurses, Professors whole families have even attended Camp together. And our highly successful students have ranged in age from 14 to 82! You will meet some great people at Camp and have a lot of fun. But Camp is mostly about me working with you in person to teach you exactly what you need to know about working out, eating right, and how to stay motivated to achieve your most important health goals.

Hundreds of people have come to my camps over the last three years and gone on to get in the best shape of their lives they’ve lost the fat they needed to lose (from 25 to 150 lbs) and they have built up their muscles and strength. Engenius Eoc2611p Firmware Upgrade. If you are tired of living life in a body that you don’t like; a body that isn’t working right or feeling good, let me help you make a change. You can succeed and I can help. You have to decide that NOW is your time to transform. Once you make that decision, you are on your way to a new body for life.

If you don’t make a decision to change, you are just going to keep on going the way you are going you have to add a new ingredient to the mix to turn things around for you. Please don’t procrastinate – don’t take your health for granted or wait until it is too late. Decide to get healthy NOW. I have a last minute discount of $400 off our standard price of $1,495 that I can offer if you sign up today but remember, I can only make room for one more person at this weekend’s camp. Over a thousand people have paid $1,495 to attend my Camps over the past three years but you can lock in your opportunity, TODAY ONLY, for just $1,095. I guarantee this will be the best investment in YOU that you will ever make.

We have a couple spots open for our November 7, 8, 9 camp and I will give one person today who signs up for that camp a $400 discount too. Our Camp in December is fully booked and there are no Camps scheduled for 2015 due to a new online book and video project which is being launched at the beginning of the year. If you are serious about losing weight and getting healthy and need some real motivation, please decide now to change your life for the better. If not NOW, when? Email me personally at and let me help you make today the day you decided to change your body, your health, and even your life. Sincerely, Bill Phillips

Bill Phillips at 50!! Took this quick pic with my cell phone camera yesterday — the day I officially became 50 years old. Honestly, I feel as good as I did at age 30 and even better than I did at age 40. I actually gained muscle this decade — I’m 195 lbs and 9% bodyfat.

I had some ups and downs in my 40’s and a period of time where I got completely out of shape. But, I got back on tra ck, started lifting weights, eating healthy meals, drinking my protein nutrition shakes and taking my vitamins and my body has just become healthier. Philips Dvd Player Unlock Region Codes.

I’m married to a beautiful woman, Maria, who makes every day feel special. Her and I work together helping other people get fit, lose weight and feel younger and more alive. If you are over 40, and not happy with the body you have, take it from me You can get stronger and healthier as you go up in age. Fitness and a positive mindset can help us all enjoy a greater quantity and quality of life! ~Bill Phillips. From: Bill Phillips June 16, 2014 A couple weeks ago I made an outrageous offer to pay people to get in shape this summer. Maybe you saw the post I made earlier this month.

I have had SO many people ask me to make that opportunity available one more time so I am doing that now. I cannot do this for everyone though–our business would go belly up if we paid everyone to get in shape this summer! So I am making the following special challenge offer available to the next 5 people who sign up for our July 25, 26, 27 or August 22, 23, 24 Health for LIFE Camp. Our June camp spots sold out quickly and our camp July 11, 12, 13 is completely booked and sold out too. Ok, so right now I am looking for just 5 people who are sick and tired of being overweight and who want to finally end the out of control eating and exercise procrastination I am looking for 5 people who are READY TO CHANGE NOW and who want my help getting motivated and focused people who are willing to follow the program I will lay out for them at my 3-day Health for LIFE camp to the letter! Are you ONE of the people I am looking for? Here’s my fun deal for the 5 people who take me up on this outrageous offer When you achieve the very realistic goal that you and I will discuss and set for you at the camp weekend, I will give you back the entire $1,495 camp enrollment fee that you pay.

In fact, if you even get 80 percent of the way to your goal, I will give you the entire $1,495 camp fee that you invest back! And mark my words if you follow the step-by-step plan I develop for you at my 3-day camp, you WILL get incredible results! Hundreds of people who have attended my camps over the last couple years have already become 25 lbs to 150 lbs lighter while gaining strength, energy and confidence! YOU CAN DO IT TOO!! If you are ready to change NOW and you can make it to my 3-day Health for LIFE camp on July 25, 26, 27 or August 22, 23, 24 at my center in Colorado, write to me now and tell me you want to sign up! Note: This special deal is only for the next 5 people who write to me and sign up!! Remember, when you achieve your 12-week goal, you will get the camp enrollment fee that you pay back–all $1,495!

Thank You and as always, I am wishing you the best of health! Sincerely, Bill Phillips

A Personal Father’s Day Message From: Bill Phillips June 15, 2014 I’m writing to wish all the Dads out there a Happy and Healthy Father’s Day and I also have a personal message to share with everyone who cares about and loves their family. Unfortunately my Dad passed away 9 years ago—he was just over 60 and had so many more years of life ahead of him. My Dad was my business partner and my best friend. When I started the company MET-Rx, then EAS, Muscle Media, and Body-for-LIFE, my Dad was in my office every day telling jokes and giving me key insight, legal and business advice (he was a lawyer and had his MBA in his early 20’s even though he had three kids by the time he was just out of high school). His name was also Bill Phillips—his friends called him “BP” and I called him Dad. He never got too caught up in work and never really stressed out about it. To him being successful just meant he had enough money to pay the bills and enough time to relax and go fly fishing or go hiking often in the Colorado Rocky Mountains.

Make no mistake; a great deal of the success I enjoyed in my previous companies was because of my Dad. He taught me how to work hard, work smart, how to push myself to reach meaningful goals he taught me how to find the best rivers and streams to fly fish and how to appreciate and enjoy nature. He tried to help keep me humble and grounded during my most successful years at EAS but those lessons took me a little longer to learn and probably didn’t set in until after he was gone. My Dad was a great man who lived a simple, smart, unassuming life.

I miss him very much, especially today. Yet I am very grateful for all the years we had and I know the best thing I can do to honor him is to move forward and live a good, productive, and balanced life. Knowing what it’s like to lose my Dad unexpectedly, and long before his time, gives me extra passion and determination to help other Fathers transform their health so their family doesn’t have to go through the pain and grief that comes with losing a loved one to a preventable disease. It’s sad but true: more than 3,000 Dads have already died this weekend from heart disease alone. Most of those deaths were preventable by a few basic lifestyle changes. For over thirty years I’ve been teaching men and women from all walks of life how to incorporate an intelligent and practical exercise, nutrition, and fitness program into their way of living.

It’s not a diet, a fad, a silly gimmick like so much of what is out there on TV commercials and internet marketing schemes today. My method is based on a bedrock of scientific truth, medical research, and thousands of hours of real-word experience and application. The most up to date version of the program I teach at my Transformation Fitness and Research Center in Golden, Colorado is called “Health for LIFE” (it’s also the name of a new book I’m working on think of it as Body-for-LIFE 3.0). It has already helped countless numbers of people lose the unhealthy bodyfat (from 25 lbs up to 150 lbs.) while gaining energy and muscle strength. But it’s not just the outward appearance that dramatically changes in our clients and students the main benefit of the Health for LIFE plan is that you will very likely live longer — you’ll enjoy greater quality and quantity of life!

Physicians even follow my program to reduce their own risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and certain forms of cancer which are lifestyle related. Now of course, none of us have a guarantee that we will live through our 80’s and even longer. In my Father’s case, he contracted an incurable and rare form of lung disease (which went undetected and dormant for decades) from environmental toxin (not too dissimilar from asbestos) that he was exposed to working in a factory as a teenager. The important thing to realize is that even though there are no absolute guarantees in life, far too many Fathers are dying of illnesses that could be prevented with exercise and healthy eating. Please, if you have loved ones that depend on you, don’t wait until it’s too late to change your body and life. The best time to get well is before you get sick and that is the message I’ve dedicated my life to sharing. If you’re overweight, have unhealthy habits, if you’ve been procrastinating and putting off your efforts to get back on track with your health and fitness, please don’t wait any longer!

Set a goal to lose 25 to 35 lbs. This summer while strengthening your muscles, improving your heart health, and cutting your risk of dying of a preventable illness in half.

A half hour of exercise 5 days a week – a combination of strength training and aerobics – will produce excellent results if you stick with it. And the key to eating right, as I explained in my book Body-for-LIFE, is to eat a balance of quality protein foods, healthy carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables. Eat smaller meals more frequently and drink plenty of water throughout the day. Take your vitamins, Creatine, Omega-3’s and a quality protein supplement to help you get better health improvements faster. Connect with others who are making healthy changes in their lives and most of all, please realize that other people need you and love you and your family is counting on you to be there.

You have to take care of yourself – it’s one of the most important things you can do for others (it’s not selfish but rather self-less!). If you’re a parent, you have a tremendous responsibility to live a healthy lifestyle. We want you around for many, many years far into the future! It does take some work to be healthy but the rewards are more than worth it. Last but not least, I just want to say to my Dad: Thank You, I Love You, I miss you and I know that someday (not real soon, but someday) I’ll see you again. Very Sincerely, Bill Phillips P.S.

And by the way, if your Father is still here be sure to contact him right away and let him know how much he is loved and appreciated today. Don’t let the important things go unsaid.

You never know for sure if you’ll get a second chance. Key #1: Meal Frequency Diets don’t work. Not in the long run that is. Restrictive diets are not typically sustainable or even healthy. Yet it’s vitally important that we keep our calorie intake within a healthy range.

If you’re trying to lose bodyfat you’ll need to consume less total calories than your body burns each day; that requires your body to tap into stored fat to meet its daily energy needs. If you’re already in good condi­tion, or when you reach your goal weight, you can eat a little more but still it’s important to consume only the amount of calories that your body needs; otherwise you’ll start putting the bodyfat back on. Something I’ve certainly learned through personal experience is that I need to work with my body, not against it, when it comes to controlling calo­ries. We’ve got to keep ourselves satiated (satisfied, not starving). And one of the best ways to keep cravings at bay is to eat more often throughout the day, up to six times.

When we do this, the body is energized, nourished and satis­fied. We also feel lighter, more aware and more energetic as opposed to being weighed down by big meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

A scientific study reported in the European Journal of Clinical Nutri­tion cites that people who ate six times a day had a faster resting metabolic rate than those who ate just three meals daily. Your metabolic rate is the pace at which your body burns calories all day and night.

This study showed eating smaller meals frequently throughout the day allows people to burn fat more efficiently. Researchers at Georgia State University arrived at the same con­clusion. They found that folks who ate just three meals a day had, on average, a higher percentage of bodyfat than those who ate six times per day. Another study published recently in The New England Journal of Medi­cine showed that in as little as two weeks, people who ate frequent, portion-controlled meals as opposed to three large meals (containing the same total amount of food) reduced their ‘bad’ cholesterol levels by nearly 15%, lowered their cortisol (the stress hormone that contributes to belly fat and premature aging) levels by more than 17% and diminished insulin levels by almost 28%. Another study, this one published in the International Journal of Obesi­ty and Related Metabolic Disorders, found that when people eat frequent meals throughout the day it helps control their appetite. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that people are most successful at losing fat and keeping it off when they eat numerous meals throughout the day. Another way eating six small, nutritious meals a day helps you reduce bodyfat is by allowing you to maintain muscle mass.

Remember, muscle not only helps the body look good but also makes it more metabolically active. Muscle burns calories even when it’s just sitting there. Fat does not. In fact, for every pound of muscle you gain you’ll burn another 50 calories a day. People who put on 10 pounds of muscle will therefore burn 500 calories more per day.

This equals an additional 4-5 pounds of fat burned off every 30 days. Key #2: Protein and Carbs with Every Meal Now that we’ve talked about the benefits of eat­ing more frequently, it’s important to understand how to put the right combi­nations of food together.

What I recommend is that every time you eat, you combine protein and carbs. Again, this is backed up by solid science. Scientists have also shown that people who eat a balance of protein and carbs have more stable blood glucose and energy levels, better digestion and absorption of nutrients as well as an increased “thermic effect” (fat-burning effect) from each meal.

On top of all that, stud­ies show that meals balanced in protein, carbs, and essential fats provide a safe and healthy way to manage the appetite. I’ve discovered the same thing which is why I eat meals that contain a balance of protein and carbs and I suggest that you do too.

My Example of an Eating for Life Daily Meal Plan Breakfast — 8:00 am: (my new cellular energy supplement) Mid-meal — 10:30 am: Low-fat cottage cheese mixed with light yogurt; 16 oz. Water Lunch — 1:00 pm: Turkey Sandwich with lettuce, tomato, mustard; 16 oz. Water Workout — 3:15 pm to 3:40 pm (super high-intensity 5-25 spin bike workout) Mid-meal — 4:00 pm: Dinner — 7:00 pm: Fish Tacos; 16 oz. Water Dessert — 10:00 pm: Make the time — you will love the results!

Don’t ever think you don’t have time to eat right frequently throughout the day. The list of my meals from yesterday which you just reviewed takes me less than an hour to prepare and eat. Of course my Nutrition Shakes I can blend up and chug down in just a couple minutes. Lunch takes me about 10 minutes. And dinner is 30-40 minutes.

When you plan ahead of time and you prepare in advance, you’ll find you save time and money with the Eating for Life style. And best of all, when you eat this way your body will get stronger, leaner, healthier, more energetic and you’ll feel good!

++ Get the NEW Eating for Life App on iTunes/ the App Store for just $2.99. Click the link that follows to download: ____________________ If you like the information in this blog and want to receive, by email, my regular updates, tips, and news about fitness, please sign up to follow my blog at – it’s FREE!

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