Astro Saber 3

Astro Saber 3

HO4KDH9PW7AN HO4RDH9PW7AN. Lines/14- button. HO4SDH9PW7AN per line. FCC Designations: AZ489FT3770.

Astro Saber 3

➤ ➤ Controls The image below shows the controls of a hand-held radio. Please note that the controls differ between models and that some functions are optional. The most frequently used features are all located on the top panel of the radio. From right to left are the antenna socket, the channel selector, the volume control (combined with ON/OFF switch) and a 2-position switch that is used to select between secure and non-secure operation.

On radios that are not crypto-capable, this switch may either be missing, or might be used to select between channel banks. At the left side of the radio are a number of recessed buttons.

At the top is the squelch button, which allows the squelch (noise cancellation) to be open for as long as the button is depressed. Keeping it depressed for more than 3 seconds, will permanently open the squelsh.

In the middle is the (large) Push-To-Talk (PTT) switch. The radio transmits as long as this button is depressed. The radio can be programmed to send an identification at the start of a transmission. Below the PTT are two small buttons for Repeater Access Tones (RAT).

They can only be used if the radio has version 6D or later of the CORE firmware. On older versions of the CORE, such as the common 5D, they will not work. On early case variants the RAT buttons were omitted. Models There are several series of SABER radios, that are compatible and interoperable to some extent. This page only deals with the SABER I, II and III (and the European ), but not with some of the later analogue and digital trunking systems. The latter are listed below in red.

Model Display Keypad Remark 12 channels 24 channels (in 2 zones) 3 keys 48 or 120 channels 1 15 keys 2 120 channels Systems SABER 3 Analogue trunking Astro SABER 3 Digital (and trunking) Note that the Systems SABER and the Astro SABER are backwards compatible with the SABER, as they can be programmed for 200+ analogue channels (using a different version of the ). They have the same casing as the SABER. Almost all accessories are interchangeable between SABER, and Systems SABER. Some accessories of the Astro SABER can be used as well, with the exception of antennas, microphones, programming cables and vehicle adapters. • There are 2 versions of the SABER II: one with 2KB of memory (48 channels in 4 zones) and one with 8KB of memory (120 channels in 10 zones) and DTMF. The memory is located behind the front panel. • The keyboard consists of 15 keys: the 3 keys of the SABER II plus 12 keys (not 16) for DTMF.

• Most of the accessories of the Systems SABER will work with the SABER, but some of the accessories of the Asto SABER are not compatible. Systems SABER and Astro SABER are not covered on this page. Variants Many different versions and variants of the SABER radio, have been made over the years, for a variety of frequency ranges. Used SABER held-helds are often found in surplus stores and on auction sites such as Ebay.

As it is often difficult to tell which models you are dealing with, the description below can be used as a guide. Luckily, the frequency band and a number of features can be deduced from the that is normally present on a label at the back. Unfortunately, the doesn't tell you which section of the frequency band (the split) is used. Furthermore, the FACTORY ID might be missing completely on rebatched versions of the radio, as many of them were given a different name by telecom operators in Europe. For example, a UHF was sold by the Dutch PTT as the Portavox 3165. The many different versions of the Motorola SABER are discussed in detail below.

First of all there are two different case sizes: • Non-secure - short case SABER radios that are not crypto-capable have a case that is slightly shorter that radio that do have this provision. Such radios can never be used for secure communication, and can not be modified for that.

This version is shown on the left. • Secure - long case A slightly longer case is used for SABER radios that care crypto-capable. This doesn't means that a suitable is present though; the relevant slot might still be empty or contain a dummy.

It just means that the radio has space for a. These radios are generally marked with the word SECURENET, or something similar on the top panel.

The longer version is shown on the right in the image above. Furthermore, there are two case variants that look identical: • Standard This is the standard (non-submersible) version of the SABER radio. Most radios found on the surplus market and on auction sites, such as Ebay, are of this type. • Submersible As a manufacturing option it was possible to order SABER radios that were submersable in water. Such radios had appropriate seals and rubber gaskets at all openings in the case, including the speaker grille. Generally, these variants have the word SUBMERSIBLE printed on the top panel. Externally, submersible radios are identical to the standard version.

There are three front panel variants of the SABER radio: • This is the most simple version of the SABER. It has no controls on the front panel and no display.

The only two controls (the volume adjustment and the channel selector) are at the top of the radio. This version is suitable for 12 pre-programmed channels (or 15 after a modification).

The is a variant of the SABER I, which features 24 channels. • This is a more advanced version of the SABER I that is menu-driven and has some extra features and channels. The front panel contains a micro controller, memory, a small LCD display and 3 red push-buttons. • This is the most complete version of the SABER. The case is identical to the two previous versions (above), but the front panel is different. It contains a micro controller, memory, a display and a 15-button keypad. There are three band variants of the SABER radio: • MIDBAND - 66-88 MHz This band was used by many Police Agencies world-wide until the late 1990s.

As the band is pretty close to the FM broadcast band, the MIDBAND has gradually been phased out. Radios in this band are of no use to radio HAMs, unless they can be converted to 51 MHz (6m) or the 4m band can be used (in some countries the 4m band can be used by HAMs). • VHF - 136-174 MHz For many years, public services, commercial services, government agencies and radio amateurs have been (and still are) using the 2m band. Please note that none of the radios cover the full frequency range, but only a section of it (). Some of these ranges are suitable for used by radio amateurs (HAMs).

• UHF - 403-512 MHz Once the 2m band got exhausted, the 70cm band became a popular space for all kinds of services. Most of these frequencies are still in use today for analogue and/or digital voice and data. Although the 70cm amateur band is within this range (430-440 MHz, or even 430-450 MHz in some countries), there is no SABER that covers the entire range.

The following bandwidths are available (VHF only): • Narrow band • Wide band ➤ SABER I The SABER I is the simplest version of the SABER hand-held radio. That doesn't mean however, that it lacks the features of it 'big brothers', the and, it just misses the direct controls to these features. Channel programming, output power and feature selection are done when programming the radio, e.g. In a service center, using Motorola's proprietary. The SABER I was available in two case variants: the standard version in the lower case, and the higher version that has room for a. The latter adds digital voice encryption to the SABER. The image on the right shows a typical SABER I without its large NiCd battery, and with a DES fitted.

Furthermore, the SABER I was available for a variety of frequencies, in MIDBAND (66-88 MHz), VHF (136-174 MHz) and UHF (403-512 MHz). Note that no radio covers the full frequency range, but just a limited.

A SABER I can hold up to 12 pre-programmed channels, each of which can be selected directly with the rotary channel selector on the top panel, to the left of the antenna mount. Each channel can be set up for split-frequency operation (repeater), hi/low power, CTCSS, etc., all under control of the. Note that the (a European SABER-variant) has just 10 channels.

SABER III The SABER III is effectively an enhanced version of the. The display is identical, but the keyboard has been extended with 12 additional buttons, adding a standard telephone keypad to the radio (0-9 plus * and #). This way the radio can be used for auto-patch and tones.

Like the enhanced version of the SABER II, this radio has room for 120 channels, organized as 10 banks (zones) of 12 channels each. The channels and their features can be programmed on a per-channel basis or per-radio basis, using Motorola's proprietary. Note that only 12 keys are available for DTMF, rather than the usual 16. The 4th column (i.e. 1633 Hz), normally used for the ABCD-keys, is missing.

If these additional tones are required, an external DTMF encoder (e.g. Combined with an external microphone, should be used instead. The SABER III was typically used in situations where the radio had to be able to be connected (patched) to the regular telephone network. Pressing the keys would produce the corresponding DTMF tones. The image above shows a VHF crypto-capable version of the SABER III.

MX-1000, 2000 and 3000 The MX-1000 series was a European two-way radio that was also produced by Motorola. It was based on the SABER design, albeit with a different set of features and driven by a different controller. The channel selector, for example, had only 10 positions, whereas the channel selector on a SABER had 12 positions.

As a result, the MX-1000 series can not be programmed with the same, but only with a proprietary version of the RSS. Like the SABER, the MX-1000 series consisted of three basic models, with the MX-1000 being related to the SABER I, the MX-2000 to the SABER II and the MX-3000 to the SABER III. The MX-1000 was available in most design variants, including VHF, UHF, submersible and high/low power. There was also a secure variant that worked with all of the SABER except for the OTAR/Multikey and FASCINATOR modules; these were restricted to the Systems SABER. The MX-1000 was sold in some European countries, including Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and The Netherlands. It was either (re)batched with the name of the national telecom operator (e.g.

PTT Telecom in The Netherlands) or under the brand name of Storno, at the time a well-known Danish radio manufacturer. Since 1986, Storno is a Motorola subsidary. CTCSS or PL Different techniques have been developed to prevent the squelch of a receiver from opening on weak unwanted signals, as is often the case with repeaters. An example of such a technique is: Continuous Tone-Coded Squelch System. Motorola calls it PL or Private Line TM.

It is implemented in the SABER radios and can be programmed globally or on a per channel basis, using Motorola's. On many (amateur) repeaters, CTCSS is mandatory these days. Please note that CTCSS can not be used in combination with voice encryption. As a result it might not be possible to send encrypted signals via a repeater. The only ways to overcome this, is to turn off the repeater's CTCSS (not needed for encrypted signals anyway), or to use an intelligent repeater, such as the Motorola MSF5000TM, which can be loaded with the same encryption key. Such repeaters can generally pass both types of traffic: encrypted and unencrypted (using CTCSS). Squelch SABER radios do not have a noise suppression (squelch) control similar to the volume adjustment.

Instead, the squelch is set in software when programming the radio, using the. In order to prevent the squelch from closing on weak signals, the push-button at the side of the radio, just above the PTT, can be used to open the squelch manually. Luciano Pavarotti Granada Mp3 Download.

Holding this button for 3 seconds, opens the squelch permanently. Press the button once more to close it again. Note that some radios are programmed for CTCSS or a 5-tone sequence. The squelch of such radios will only open when the appropriate CTCSS tone, or the appropriate 5-tone sequence, is received. The latter is commonly called a tone-lock, or selective tone call (selcall). Programming As SABER radios have a set of pre-determined frequencies (channels) on which they operate, they need to be prior to use, using dedicated software.

This is not an easy task, that needs the following prerequisites: • Programming cable A special interface cable is needed for virtually every type of radio ever made by Motorola. Such cables have a special motorola accessory plug at one end and a 25-way D-type (parallel) connector at the other end, suitable for connection to the RIB (see below). • Radio Interface Box (RIB) RLN4008 A small interface box is needed between the radio (programming cable) and the PC. It converts the 2-wire serial data and levels into bi-directional data stream, suitable for connection to the COM port of a PC. Most RIBs are suitable for nearly all Motorola radios. • Radio Service Software (RSS) For each different radio, Motorola developed a that can not be used on other radios.

Please note that the MX-1000 (a European derivative of the SABER) requires a different version of the RSS. The RSS is no longer available from Motorola, but copyright restrictions prevent it from being distributed freely. All we can suggest is to do a. Please do not ask us for a copy of this software.

• Old 386 PC with DOS This is probably the most difficult-to-find part. As the RSS software was written many years ago (when Windows and faster processors were not yet available), the software uses built-in timing loops that are processor speed-dependent. As a result the RSS can only be used on an old PC with a 386 processor that runs no faster than 50MHz and has no cache (or that has it cache disabled). Any attempt to use a faster PC will break your radio. ➤ Key loading Apart from programming frequencies and other features into the SABER, the crypto-capable variants (Securenet) also need to be loaded with a valid cryptographic key before secure (voice) communication is possible. This is done by using a so-called Key Variable Loader or KVL. KVLs are also known as Key Fillers or Fill Guns.

Initially, Motorola had a separate key filler for each individual encryption algorithm, such as the T3010 (DVP), T3014 (DVP-XL), T3020 (DES), T3011 (DES-XL) and T3012 (DVI). Later these KVLs were discontinued and replaced by the KVL-3000 shown in the image on the right. It supports all known algorithms and is suitable for the Astro 25 Saber as well. ➤ ➤ Zeroizing If security is compromised — in the case of a crypto-enabled version of the SABER — it may be necessary to purge all cryptographic keys stored inside the device quickly.

This procedure of deleting the key material is commonly known as zeroizing. With the SABER, zeroizing is done by removing the battery from a switched-on device. Once the device is zeroized, it can no longer be used in secure mode, until a by means of a.

Note that the above proceduce may cause problems when swapping the battery. If the battery is nearly empty, switch off the device before removing the battery.

This is the only way to retain the cryptographic keys that are stored inside the device. After fitting a fresh battery, turn the device ON again and resume operation. Accessories As the SABER was a professional radio, used by many different agencies, public services and commercial users, a wide range of accessories was available. Most of these accessories were sold directly by Motorola, but a wealth of add-ons and reproduction parts were available from a variety of other companies as well. Although it is beyond the scope of this page to describe every single accessory ever made for the SABER, the most important ones are highlighted below. Batteries Many different batteries have been produced for the SABER series over the years.

As the high-power version of the SABER can produce an output power as high as 6W, high-capacity batteries are needed. There were three battery sizes, but the most common ones are the standard battery (84 mm) and an ultra-high capacity variant, that is somewhat higher (103 mm). Either type can be charged with a dedicated Motorola SABER, such as the one shown below. Such chargers typically status of the battery and will indicate a faulty one. The recommended Motorola batteries are shown in the table below. Good alternatives were available from other manufacturers as well. The image on the right shows a typcial high-capacity Motorola NiCd battery, aside a SABER I hand-held radio.

When carrying the radio on the belt in a carrying case or holster, ensure that the case is suitable for the higher batteries. As the SABER radios were produced many years ago, their batteries are likely to be worn-out out by now, resulting in shorter usage times or completely dead batteries. In such cases it might be wise to replace the batteries with modern alternatives. Good replacement batteries, using Li-ION technology, are available from various sources and even from auction sites, such as Ebay. Part No Voltage Capacity Type Remark NTN4537 7.5V 700 mAh NiCd Light capacity NTN4592 7.5V 700 mAh NiCd Light capacity NTN4538 7.5V 1000 mAh NiCd Medium capacity NTN4593 7.5V 1100 mAh NiCd Medium capacity NTN4595 7.5V 1800 mAh NiCd Ultra-high capacity NTN4596 7.5V 1800 mAh NiCd Ultra-high capacity NTN4992 7.5V 1800 mAh NiCd Ultra-high capacity NTN7014 7.5V 950 mAh NiMH Light capacity NTN7426 7.5V 950 mAh NiMH Intrinsically safe NTN7058 7.5V 1800 mAh NiMH Ruggedized NTN4905 7.5V? Li Disposable, not rechargeable Battery charger A wide range of battery chargers was available for the SABER, ranging from single slow-charging units, to super fast chargers that can take up to six radios simultaneously.

The image on the right shows the most common fast charger for a single SABER hand-held radio. The complete radio (with battery) can be placed directly in the charger, but it is also possible to separately this way. A set of back-lit icons on the sloped panel at the right shows the charging status.

Microphone When used as a hand-held radio, the built-in microphone and speaker of the SABER, located at the front panel, are used. When the radio is carried on the belt however, it is often more convenient to use an external speaker/mike with it, such as the one shown below.

External microphones can be connected to the at the rear of the radio, near the antenna socket. The image on the right shows a typical Motorola speaker/microphone that was commonly used with SABER radios. The microphone has an at the back, allowing it to be attached to the clothing of the operator. At the other end of the curly cord is the plug that connects it to the accessory socket of the radio.

It usually of the radio and is held in place by a single hex safety bolt. Fitting the microphone to the radio sometimes requires, such as a for the hex safety bolt. On other versions, the plug is held in place by a simple cross-head screw. The microphone shown in the image has its cord coming out of the plug under a 45 degree angle. Furthermore, it has a large connector that is fitted around the corner of the radio to provide extra strength. Most other models however, have a straight cable entry and a somewhat simpler connector that is fitted only at the back.

The also carries the antenna signal, allowing the use of microphones with an helical antenna mounted on top of it. Such microphones are commonly called Public Safety Microphones. The image on the right shows an example. Because of the size of the antenna, these models are only practicle for use on UHF. Public Safety Microphones were often used in cities with large buildings, as the extra height of the antenna (usually on the shoulder, whilst the radio was carried at the belt) expands the operational range.

Public Safety Microphones always have a straight cable rather than a curly one. Surveillance Kits Especially for surveillance and inconspicious operation, Motorola had a range of surveillance kits available, ranging from skin-coloured acoustic ear tubes and hidden PTT switches, to invisible inductive earpieces. Similar surveillance kits were available from other manufacturers as well. Most surveillance kits make use of a so-called quick-disconnect 6-pin Hirose plug, requiring a special adapter on the SABER radio. Using such a standardized connector allows the surveillance kits to be used on a variety of radios, and allows them to be disconnected quickly without the need to remove the universal connector at the back of the SABER each time (e.g.

For keyload). The image on the right shows a Motorola ZMN-6031 surveillance kit with three wires, consisting of an earphone, a minature microphone and a so-called bullet-type Push-To-Talk switch (PTT).

Other surveillance kits are available with two wires (combined microphone and PTT) and one wire (receive only). In addition, there are variants with a higher audio output level. These surveillance kits all have a 6-pin Hirose connector, allowing them to be quickly connected to the SABER with a Hirose adapter. Please note that there are different versions of this adapter. If the radio is crypto-capable, the is needed, as it is the only one that supports keyloading.

The adapter can be on the SABER radio whilst a sturdy plastic enforcement ring, mounted to the antenna base, prevents the connector breaking off. When mounted to the SABER, a is available on the top of the adapter, close to the SABER's antenna base. Please note that the NTN5664 (i.e.

The keyload capable version) has the limitation that it can only be used with low volume accessories such as a surveillance kit. Tuning the volume up too high when using a standard microphone/speaker combination, will cause a cracking sound, whilst the radio switches intermittently into keyload mode. Hirose connections can be found. Hirose Adapters Part No Audio Key fill Remark NTN5598 - NTN5213 - NTN5664 With key loading capability Surveillance kits Part No HA 1 Mic PTT 2 Ear Wires Remark ZMN6031 3 - ZMN6032 2 - ZMN6038 2 Extra loud version of ZMN6032 ZMN6039 3 Extra loud version of ZMN6031 NSN6050 1 Earpiece only • Requires a Hirose adapter • Separate PTT switch (i.e. Not combined with microphone). Antenna SABER hand-held radios are commonly used in combination with short. Depending on the frequency band and section (split) on which the radio is used, a different type of antenna is required.

Older rubber-encapsulated were usually marked with a at the bottom of the screw at the base of the antenna (see below). The image on the right shows a typical original Motorola VHF antenna, which has a yellow dot at the tip of the screw, indentifying its frequency range from 136 to 151 MHz. For other band sections, use the table below as a guide. Please note that a helical antenna is always a compromise. In an ideal situation, the antenna length should be a quarter of the wavelength, often indicated as ¼λ. As the wavelength of a 150 MHz signal is 2 meters, a ¼λ antenna would be 50 cm, which would not be very practicle. In such situations, the shorter helical was used.

A helical is in fact a ¼λ antenna which is wound-up, like a coil, and is far from ideal compared to a full ¼λ antenna. The antenna is shorter than the original one and can be seen as a compromize, resulting in a reduced operational range. The range is further reduced by the fact that in most situations the antenna is carried close to the human body (e.g. The range can be improved by using a full ¼λ antenna, such as the UHF whip antenna (see the table below). By making the antenna thicker, Motorola has managed to cover the entire UHF band from 403 to 512 MHz with a single antenna. Alternatively, the operational range could be extended by using a so-called with a helical mounted on top. Due to the size of the antenna, this was only practicle for UHF radios.

Please note that the antennas listed here can not be used on the Public Safety Microphone, as it has a different fitting. Belt clip Rather than using a heavy duty leather or nylon carrying case, such as the one illustrated above, it was also possible to carry the SABER radio on the belt, using a special Motorola belt clip. As the radio comes in two different case sizes, two different belt clips were available from Motorola. The belt clip is a rather simple metal bracket that can be attached to the rear size of the radio.

One side hooks into a rig at the, whilst the 'clicks' into a, close to the battery fitting. The belt clip can be, by putting a screwdriver into a small rectangular hole in the battery fitting, and pushing the clip out. The image on the right shows two different belt clips; one for each case variant. Each character or group of characters describes a specific feature of the radio. Use the table below to 'decode' the FACTORY ID of your radio. Although it is possible to determine the frequency band this way (VHF, UHF), it is not possible to identify the installed in the radio. The only way to do that, is by examining the numbers on the inside the radio, or by connecting the radio to a PC and reading it out with Motorola's special.

On some radios, the FACTORY ID is not present. In such cases the MODEL NR is often used instead. It might, however, be preceeded by two additional letters, e.g. This is often the case with international version of the Motorola SABER. For example, we found an international low power UHF submersible SABER I, with the following MODEL NR on the label at the back. Frequency ranges There are many types/versions of SABER, each with their own specific frequency band and range (also known as frequency split). Only the band can be determined from the model number at the back of the radio; the specific band section (i.e.

The split) can only be determined by examining the numbers on the internal modules. The following frequency bands/sections are known: Band Section Remark MB 66-84 MHz MB 74-88 MHz VHF 136-150.8 MHz Government split. Ideal for HAM, MARC and CAP VHF 146-162 MHz Suitable for HAM (144-148) with modified RSS VHF 146-174 MHz Wideband version, suitable for HAM VHF 148-174 MHz Wideband used in lower power version VHF 157-174 MHz Public and commercial services UHF 403-433 MHz Government split. Suitable for EU HAMs (430-438).

UHF 440-470 MHz Suitable for all HAMs (431-450) UHF 458-490 MHz UHF 482-512 MHz Opening the case A SABER radio can easily be opened, by removing the battery and then in the battery fitting. Do not remove the other cross-head bolts. Ensure that the (at the rear, near the antenna) has been removed. The interior can now be taken out of the case, simply by pulling the antenna (recommended by Motorola). The interior is shielded at both sides.

The is held in place by 4 bolts that can be removed in order to reveal the of the main PCB. The shield at the front side holds the speaker and the microphone. It can be removed by with a screwdriver.

Be careful not to damage the flex wiring of the front panel when. The flex connects to the main board by means of a small connector that is fitted in the of the radio. Pull carefully to remove it. SABER II and III units have an for the control panel.

All modules can be accessed from the front side of the radio (i.e. The side that is visible in the image above). They are all socketed and can be removed easily, making the SABER into a service-friendly radio. Some modules are bolted to the main PCB at the bottom.

The diagram below shows the location of each of the modules of a crypto-capable SABER, seen from the front. The crypto module is not present in the non-secure version of the SABER. It by inserting a small screwdriver at either side and carefully wiggeling it until it comes out. The can be pushed put of its socket by inserting a push tool or a screwdriver into two holes in the main PCB (bottom).

The is bolted to the (2 bolts) and (1 bolt). It needs the frame of the radio for sufficient cooling when transmitting. The (short for Filter, Detector and Switch) is the antenna relay. It is with a single bolt. The is connected to the main PCB by means of just 3 contact pins at the bottom, and can be removed easily, by removing two bolts (bottom).

The receiver consists of two parts that are mounted together: the actual receiver and a 5-pole filter. Finally, the reference oscillator can be pulled from its socket,.

All modules are listed below. Secure operation The radio is extremely well built with only first class components. At the front is the (if present). At the bottom is the main clearly visible. The PCB is also the carrier for a number of modules on the inside of the radio.

The keyboard at the front can be lifted and folded away, so that the. At the bottom of the unit, the is clearly visible. A variety of different was available from Motorola, including DES, DVP, DES-XL, DVP-XL and DVI-XL. All crypto modules had the same physical size.

Depending on the customer's needs, export restrictions, etc., a different module would be supplied. The module shown here is the NTN5836A, which is probably a Smartnet DVI-XL variant (Digital Voice International).

Motorola had a wide range of cryptographic modules available, for a variety of secure networks, including Smartnet, Multikey and OTAR (Over The Air Rekeying). For each network type, different cryptographic algorithms were available, including DES (Digital Encryption Standard), DVP (Digital Voice Protection) and DVI (Digital Voice International). There even was a CCI-version (Controlled Cryptographic Item) that supported the -developed FASCINATOR encryption module. The latter was based on 12 kbit/s CVSD modulation which was encrypted with, an NSA encryption algorithm based on the. Crypto modules Secure capable versions of the Saber (Securenet) are slightly longer than non-secure variants. The extra space is used to accomodate a crypto plug-in module. A variety of modules was available, for different networks and for different crypto algorithms, such as DES, DES-XL, DVP and DVP-XL.

Although all modules are pin compatible, certain modules (such as FASCINATOR) can only be used in authorised radios (US non-export versions). Crypto-capable radios without a crypto module, must have an NTN4720 dummy installed. All crypto modules have the same form factor and are encapsulated in a metal can (or in a plastic can with metal paint). The image on the right shows the that came with our SABER II. Don't let the (small) size fool you; encryption modules like this are really complicated electronic circuits. At the bottom of the module are two rows of pins that are lined up with two rows of holes (sockets) on the main PCB.

They carry the necessary voltages, audio signals and (digital) control signals for secure operation. Theoretically, the socket for the crypto module can also be used for other extensions to the radio, such as a customized selective tone call system, or the shown in the next section below. Note that such a module may not need all contact pins. The metal can of the module (shield) is soldered to pin 12 and 19 of the socket. After unsoldering these two contact lips, the interior of the module can be removed from the can. The image on the right shows the of the DVI-XL module. The crypto module consists of a square flex PCB with all components on one side.

The flex is then, so that we effectively get 4 sides that carry components. Both ends of the flex are integrated with the plastic connector at the bottom, that consists of two halves. It in order to. The crypto module was designed with convenience in mind.

Although it would technically be possible to repair a faultly module, it seems unlikely that this was ever done. Unfolding the flex PCB can easily lead to broken tracks.

In practice, a broken module would simply be replaced by a new one. The image above shows the flex PCB partly unfolded. On the flex PCB are 6 custom chips, two crystals and several other components.

The drawing below shows how the contact pins are ordered, looking into the sockets of the radio. Two large holes (A and B) are used as guides. Pins 12 and 19 are connected to the shield of the module (i.e.

Tow lips of the metal can). The image above shows the footprint of the man-down module, when looking into the sockets of the radio's main PCB.

Note that not all pins are used on this module. Corob Driver Software. The ones that are used, are marked as black dots in the drawing above. Pins 1 and 17 are connected inside the module, to ensure that the transmitter produces audio. This confirms that this is not en encryption module. The man-down module was found inside an in The Netherlands, with no FACTORY ID at back.

When the module is installed and the SECURE switch in on (i.e. Set to I), it start transmitting autonomously at regular intervals. Every transmission starts with a 5-tone sequency, followed by a series of short beeps.

After a few seconds of silence, the unit returns to receive mode again. Update 19 May 2015 The man-down module was developed in the mid-1990s as a special project at Motorola by Michael Wilkinson. It has two separate mercury switches: one for tilt and one for movement, and its timing could be programmed with a special version of the Radio Service Software (RSS), in which 4-bytes of the radio's internal EEPROM were reallocated to the man-down module. As Motorola initially expected to sell only 100 units, it was not possible to develop a dedicated molding, hense the somewhat improvised enclosure and PCB. The locating pins (to guide the unit into the Saber's motherboard) were simply cut-off pieces of welding rod. The custom 35U05 chip is in fact a Motorola 68HC08 processor that was repackaged in order to fit the available space.

Reference Oscillator Module Section Remark NXN6268 16.8 MHz Common to all models Synthesizer Module Section Remark NLC6240 66-84 MHz - NLC6241 74-88 MHz NLD8201 136-150.8 MHz NLD8210 146-178 MHz Used for 146-162, 148-174 and 157-174 sections NLE9461 403-433 MHz Government split NLE9462 440-470 MHz NLE9463 460-490 MHz NLE9464 482-512 MHz Receiver module Receiver Module Section Remark NLC6230 66-84 MHz - NLC6231 74-88 MHz NLD8180 136-174 MHz Used for the entire VHF band (i.e. All sections) 1 NLE9431 403-433 MHz Government split NLE9432 440-470 MHz NLE9433 460-490 MHz NLE9434 482-512 MHz NLE9501 403-433 MHz 12.5 kHz channel spacing NLE9502 440-470 MHz 12.5 MHz channel spacing 5-Pole Filter 2 Module Section Remark NFD6091 136-150.8 MHz - NFD6092 146-162 MHz? 482-512 MHz 2-Pole Filter 3 Module Section Remark? 66-84 MHz - NLC6382 74-88 MHz NLD6111 136-150.8 MHz NLD6112 146-162 MHz? 146-174 MHz • Only one receiver module is used for the entire VHF band.

The 5-Pole Filter determines the actual frequency section (split). • The 5-Pole Filter is the bottom half of the receiver module. • The 2-Pole Filters are only present MIDBAND and VHF receivers. They are located between the actual receiver and the FDS (see below).

It is not present in UHF radios. The table below shows the pinout of the accessory socket. Please note that the ground pin (GND) is taken from the outer ring of the external antenna connection at the top. A typical accessory plug is hooked into the rectangular gap at the bottom of the socket and covers all contact pads. The plug is then locked in place with a 3mm bolt at the top left. The socket is also used for programming the radio and for loading the cryptographic keys into a crypto-capable radio. # Name Remark 1 SPK(+) External speaker (+) 2 SPK(-) External speaker (-) 3 DATA Bi-directional programming data 4 MIC External microphone 5 ¬WE Write Enable (when pulled low) 6 BUSY 7 OPT SEL Voltage selected option (internal 20K pull-up) see table below 8 OPT B(+) +7.5V from radio (raw battery voltage) 9 KEY 10 KEYLOAD 11 AUX TX or DVP CLK 12 n.c.

13 GND RF Ground, also used as 0V rail (same as 15) 14 ANT Antenna, RF output 15 GND RF Ground, also used as 0V rail (same as 13) The voltage at pin 7 (OPT SEL) allows the selection between the internal or external microphone, speaker and antenna. The pin is internally pulled-up to the +5V rail with a 20K resistor.

By connecting a resistor (or a zener diode) from this pin to ground, a voltage divider can be created, that selects the appropriate voltage for any of the configurations in the table below. # Voltage MIC SPK ANT Remark 1 5.00 V INT INT INT Default operation 2 1.24 V EXT EXT INT External microphone/speaker and standard antenna 3 2.50 V EXT EXT EXT All external (microphone, speaker and antenna) 4 3.74 V INT INT EXT External antenna only TX 0.00 V - - - PTT (Push-To-Talk switch) External microphone Please note that shortening pin 7 to ground (i.e. Making it 0V as indicated in the table above) causes the radio to transmit. The diagram below shows how to connect a standard microphone-speaker combination to the universal connector, whilst using the standard (internal) antenna. As an alternative to the above, it is also possible to use a simple 6K8 resistor instead of the diodes above. In fact, this is the way it is done in most Motorola accessories.

As pin 7 of the accessory socket is internally tied to the 5V rail via a 20K resistor (R i), we can calculate the value of the external resistor (R e) as follows: R e = (20U 7) / (5-U 7) [K]. U 7 is the voltage at pin 7. Ideally, the value for the external resistor would be 6.666K, but as this is not available, we can safely round it off to the nearest one in the E12-range: 6K8. This calculation can also be used for the other voltages: 62K for 3.75V (external antenna) and 20K for 2.5V (all external). External Antenna It is also possible to use the internal microphone and speaker, but an external antenna. This can be useful, for example, when using the radio from within a car or when measuring the RF output when adjusting the radio.

By applying a voltage of 3.74V to pin 7 of the universal connector, the radio switches to the external antenna. The external antenna adapter is wired as follows.

As pin 7 of the universal connector is internally pulled up to +5V with a 20K resistor, the 59K resistor in the adapter effectively forms a voltage divider, resulting in a voltage of approx. Most external antenna adapter only have a few pins present in the universal connector, but there are some that are fully populated with pins. The latter can be converted to a full test cable. Hirose socket When using a, e.g. For connecting a or a with a Hirose plug, the accessory needs to be wired according to the connection diagram below. Please note that the accessory sensing pin 6 (EXT) needs to be tied to ground (pin 4) to select the external microphone and speaker.

A special voltage (as described above) is not necessary; this is provided by a special chip inside the Hirose adapter. The pin-out of the socket is as follows. 6-pin Hirose socket when looking into the socket When rewiring an existing microphone, headset or surveillance kit, or when creating your own external audio set for the SABER, you may follow the wiring diagram below. If an electret microphone is used, you may need to connect the +5V (B+) to it. This is either done via a separate pin, if it is a 3-pin microhone, or via a 4K7 resistor if it is a 2-pin electret microphone. In the latter case a capacitor should be inserted in the MIC line to block the DC voltage. Connecting an external microphone, speaker and PTT-switch The plug (i.e.

The cable end) has Hirose part number HR10A-7P-6P(73). The receptacle (i.e. The socket) has part number HR10A-7R-6S(73). If you want to make an extension cable, you might need a jack (female cable part) with part number HR10A-7J-6S(73). These parts are readily available from companies such as Farnell and Digi-Key. Glossary The following expressions and abbreviations are used on this page.

For additional keywords, please check the. APRS Automatic Packet Reporting System () ().

Acknowledgement SABER, Systems SABER, Astro SABER, Motorola, the 'bat' logo, DVP, DVP-XL and RSS are registered trademarks of Motorola Inc., USA. Related patents • Method for loading encryption keys into secure transmission devices. This patent describes how encryption keys (typically DES, DVP, DES-XL, DVP-XL or DVI-XL) are loaded into a device (radio) and how they are protected against evesdropping. The latter is done by using a Key Encryption Key (KEK) generated by an internal free-running counter.

• Digital Voice Protection System and Method. A description of Motorola's own proprietary encryption algorithm, known as DVP. • Method and Apparatus for over-the-air programming of communication devices.

This document describes Motorola's implementation of OTAR, a method for distributing the cryptographic keys via a radio channel, typically using a control device, such as a Key Management Controller (KMC). The patent refers to earlier Motorola publications regarding Advances Securenet, Multikey, OTAR and KMC. • Method for Automatically Assigning Encryption Information to a Group of Radios. This patent is an addition to US5301232 and descibes how (group) keys can be sent to a group of radios rather than to each radio individually. • This patent protects the (case) design of the later Key Variable Loader (key filler). It was a universal device that could be used to load virtually any type of key into any type of (crypto-capable) Motorola radio.

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