Age Of Wushu Bot Programming

Age Of Wushu Bot ProgrammingAge Of Wushu Bot Programming

• [Request] Age of Wushu NA - Snail Game - Gathering Bot • Welcome to MPGH - MultiPlayer Game Hacking, the world's leader in Game Hacks, Game Cheats, Trainers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and cheats and trainers for many other multiplayer games. With several hundred thousand FREE hacks, cheats and bots, over 4 million members strong, a free and open and a great community, what else is there to ask for? Now for full benefits of our site, it's completely FREE to join: • Access to our large gaming community with millions of discussions to participate in. • Free access to tutorials, resources, information, tools, trainers, cheats and hacks. • Interact with our great community, and make new friends with our members. • Active marketplace for gamers and people like you, with thousands of contributors and over half a million posts. • Let your voice be heard!

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Dear GMs Our experience of most FTP MMO With this post I want to suggest a new security mechanism for developers to detect bots, which doesnt need complex algorythm to implement nore a big deal to integrate into the existing system. As many of us knows many Free-To-Play MMOs failed 1-2 years after lunch and crashed due to bots and goldsellers, especially most Korea and China games bring a fresh wind with an asian touch and are free to play, but many of them lack in security aspects. The reason why they failed In my opinion the main stream of many MMO game developers rely in standard Security Modules and implement them into their games, for example SaveGuard-Module and other products.

Without doubt its a must have for a MMO game but it's not enough because it can only defend the system from bots and hacks based on some standard mechanism and automatisation search algorythm to filter them out. There are tons of hack tools for bypassing SaveGuard Module so basically its just a big hole.

Developers tend to fix those holes by themself and with the help of the developer community, while hackers got their community too, so in the end its a fight between them. But as we all know from many MMO games you cant garanty a perfect secure system, there's always a way to bypass it and in the end hackers win.

What is a security system like SaveGuard capable of? Security Modules like SaveGuard will start automatically and run as seperate module beside the main game prevent the game from hack programs and other system intrution which try to bypass the running game through security holes. Where are points which SaveGuard failed to detect? What if the player uses 3th party software to support what he wants to do? For example using Auto-Mouse and Auto-Key functions to record some macros and then let the 3th party app play that macro indefinitly. The point here is, the player simulate the key strokes and Mouse clicks which is impossible for SaveGuard to detect because it does not touch any point of the system. The player just simply get into the game as a normal player and start his macro to do things automaticly for him as if there were somebody infront of the Computer, but infact theres nobody.

The player community is the main force of a MMO game What I want to introduce now is a new concept to detect bots and goldsellers using the help of the player community. I dont know why developers never ever have thought about this? Social Network is the keyword to success.

Imagine someone playing MMO games and has never heard of Facebook, thats not possible right? Its only an example to show how important Social Network is in our time and a MMO game is basically one, which intend to integrate the Social Network aspect as its main goal in an online game. So the question here is why bringing people together in a big game but dont use the help of the community to keep the game clean and save? Together we are strong, thats what it meant to be, the community is not only here to report buggs and other normal issues. With the help of the community detecting bots and goldsellers, they can help developers saving their time for other issues like increasing performance problems and latency. How does this mechanism work The basic of this mechanism is very easy to understand and I think everybody of us knows the LIKE-BUTTON on Facebook.

It's the same tagging princip as the like-button. Implement 2 ways for the player to tag another player as bot or goldseller: 1. By right-clicking on the potential bot Like all other menu options there will be a new option 'report Bot' for players to mark another player as a bot.

By clicking on the potential bot name in chat window Like all other menu options there will be a new option 'report Bot' for players to mark another player as a bot in the chat window when seeing him spam goldselling. How many tags are needed to judge an account as bot? This point is open to the developers due to I dont have any statistic numbers to evaluate what amount fit as best. Lets say 200 tags for our example.

So basically a player need at least 200 other player marking him as bot to be put on the Queue-List waiting for an admin to go after the case and maybe put him on the Black-List or judge him as innocent. How to prevent people from tagging as bot by haters This is the main problem of this mechanism and it needs to be analized carefully. At this point I will be very glad for any opinion and suggestions. To prevent an hater marking someone as bot intentionally again and again the system let each player tag another player as bot only one time in his life until the marked player got judged from an admin as real bot or innocent. After judging the account will be banned in case of a bot or reset as clean if innocent and can be retagged again. With this mechanism no one can come up with the idea to intentionally tag 200 times on one person to mark him as bot. In addition there's a very very rare chance (actually nearly to 0% ^^) that he knows 200 another badguys as his friends and willingly to support him tagging one guy as bot intentionally.

If that case happen, it can be count as RASSISM and all of them should be banned for the sake of AoW and nice guys like =))!!! How to detect a bot - THE CRITERIA LIST This is the most important section for developers to read and understand the concept. At this point we try to make a complete criteria list how to detect one account is a real bot. I will begin with some criterias, if anyone got any suggestions dont hesitate to give your own criterias, it will help us pushing this 'bot detecting feature by players' to snail game and maybe they really will implement it for our sake. Criteria - Detect a goldseller by seeing it in open world This is pretty much the easiest case of all. Goldsellers are standing somewhere on any map in the open world. Naturally the badguy is placing his goldsellers somewhere most people can see like in the middle of the city (e.g Suzhou) or at any Team Practice spot.

Where most people can see them means also where most people can tag them as bot =)) (goldseller you get owned so hard) and don't even have to search for them. How many people go to Wudangs TP-Spot each day? I would say MANY =) so in fact the badguy can create as many goldseller as he want and place them at Wudangs TP-Spot. Everyday the new Goldseller will reach his 200 bot-tags and get banned the next day.

Developers Job: Creating database Query which banned all accounts which got tagged 200 times in within 24h (depend on players amount on the specific server, the time can vary from 1 to 3 days for example). Because it tells us the suspicious account is pretty sure a real bot. Otherwise if its a real player, who would get 200 tags in within 24h, even a hater cant do that because its almost impossible to gather 200 person you know as friend in within 24h, get them online and tag somebody for you, dont it? Job done =) now you just have to deploy the script with this Query and run it automatically everyday. I'm sure after 1 week we dont see a single goldseller at any TP-Spot nore in any main city. Criteria - Detect a goldseller by seeing it in public chat This case is in fact almost the same as Criteria 1.

You are a player running in open world, you are standing somewhere doing something, you dont see any goldsellers around you BUT YOU SEE THEM SPAM GOSSHIP AND NEARBY all the time??? No problem, click on their name in chat window and tag them as bot, easy as that =)!! Developers Job: Nothing easier than this, because its the same case as Criteria 1. You can say Criteria 1 and 2 are supporting each other, so that not a single goldseller can escape from our eyes (the community rules, we are the main security guards). Even you got a day where not many people login the game and the Goldseller at Wudangs TP-Spot only reach 150 Tags from Criteria 1. No problem, because there are sure other people standing on Wudangs map, they are not standing at TP-Spot they cant see the goldseller and click on it but they wont miss it because they can tag the bot through the chat window as soon as they see it spam gosship, isnt that wonderful? The bot will sure get his 200 tags limit per day and get banned by the script in Criteria 1.

Criteria - Detect gathering-bot (e. Como Hackear Drivermax on this page. g Miner) Now we come to the harder part, because a mining bot does not stand somewhere obvious in the croud where people can click and tag them so easily. So what is the criteria here to detect them? At this point I came up with another feature of this mechanism, which help us tag them with high accurate as bot for developers to filter them. Even without 200 tags we can pin them down as bot and developers can rely on our judgement. The tagging system allows us now not only to tag someone as bot but also to choose what category of bot it is.

Imagine the Bot-Tagging-System give us a list of all sorts of bots for example: - Goldsellers - Miners - Farmers - Herbalist - Poison Maker - Hunter - Fisher - Kidnapping All the jobs listed in that list are jobs, which gives you the ability to gather something except the 'Kidnapping bot' ^_^!!! Why can we do that? Because its common for somebody if he creates an alt char for mining, he would probably with high chance always get that alt char to go mining every time he needs ingot, you guys agree with that? There are many reasons why he is not willingly to change another Alt for mining because mining with the same Alt will on the same time leveling that Alts mining level (this counts for any job), so why should he make his life harder by changing the mining Alt all the time instead of keep the same one and leveling him up? Beside that, maybe he also buy a 100L mining book for that Alt to mine during 30days. Also that Alt have to reach a certain level to be able to mine so keeping the same Alt to do the same gathering job is pretty much what all people think because its human like that.

Knowing this, we dont need to have that Alt got 200 tags to pin him down because what if that alt only logged into the game every week 2 times, each time for 4h, and stand at a spot on high mountain or somewhere almost no one will go there just by passing by but only people who intent to go there because they are going mining too. For those 5-10 person per week, who got the chance to see such a bot, they only need to tag that bot as 'Mining Bot'. Thats all we need to do, and thats also already enough to track him down.

Developers Job: Because those bots are harder to detect, here comes the developers job to analize the bot based on statistics of the tagged dates and tagged amounts. Lets say the mining bot has already work for 1 month, during that month he got only 15 tags. All the tags are created at different days like 3 tags on the first week, 4 tags on the second week, 4 tags on the 3th week and the rest on the 4th week.

Based on this information we know this is pretty much a natural pattern, the bot got tagged 1-5 times every week, because he only logged in 2 times per week and each time for 4h so its pretty much possible to reach that amount. Also all tags tells the same thing 'IT IS A MINING BOT'.

This is a sign that its a real bot, it cant be accusing by a hater, nore its a mistake. 15 independent people tagging during 1 month and all tell the same story 'HE IS A MINING BOT', so this must mean something don't it? We dont need 200 Tag with the same information that the suspicious one is a mining bot to believe in it =)) it's just natural to judge that this information is accurate even it is only given by 15 person and not more.

At this point developers need to create queries to analize all tagged accounts for accurate information and put such accounts on the queue list for judging. Let's go on with our given example and lets say our mining bot has been put on the queue list, waiting for his judgement. Now the developer is analizing his account and BINGO, what do we have here? This Characters name is something like 'Xkjf01'.

This cant be true don't it? Who the heck is going to make his name like that if he is a real player?

(+1point for the 15 tag are accurate). Now lets see what email is used for this account, what do we have here ''? Lets check if theres another similar emails regged for another accounts and BINGO what do we have '' and '' and even ''. 3 Accounts with same email just counting the number higher, isn't that very suspicious? Maybe one of the other 3 is the real player, maybe all the other 3 are Alt chars.

But you see the point here what I want to tell. To Snail game: I hope you print this post to the developers and let them read this. What I want to achieve here, is something you can only do with the help of the community but not by your own Security System whatsoever. Its something which needs human resource to do the work for what a Security System failed to do it because it cant judge like a human but only on the algorythm it is configured for. In a MMO game such security systems can only protect some aspects but not everything. Why trying hard implementing an Algorythm to filter the chat logs for goldsellers and still missing them ( the fact is they are still here everyday) instead of rely on the community force to judge what they see?

Best Regards, Server: Red Phoenix Character Name: SushiRoll School: Wudang PS: I will appriciate for any opinion from everybody about this concept, thanks much to you all. There is a spam-report option when right-clicking a chat message. It worked on every player right after the introduction via the profile at the top of the screen, but was reverted in a later patch. My guess is that the GM's got too many farmer/lifeskill/scriptsteal/spy-bot reports and couldn't handle the amount, so they changed it to chat-only. I agree that the player should have more options to report exploits and harassment even, the 15 people example can easily be abused, though. It happened to a member of my former guild earlier, as a whole enemy guild flagged him as spammer and he has been muted for several weeks (counting down only when logged in). Eventually he quit.

I agree that the player should have more options to report exploits and harassment even, the 15 people example can easily be abused, though. It happened to a member of my former guild earlier, as a whole enemy guild flagged him as spammer and he has been muted for several weeks (counting down only when logged in). Eventually he quit. I think snailgame just dont have the manpower to do things correctly as they should. Something like a team working only for such issues and also trained to handle bots. Maybe they have but those people but they need to do another roles in the development team so they dont have enough time to go for all cases and just muted your friend without looking any further into the case.

The mechanism I introduced wont failed in this point if they do it correctly and take it serious. As you can see even a whole guild flag someone as spammer, and thats what they do to your friend, in a normal case if they intend to do that they will try to do it as fast as they can which means it happens during 1-3 days.

There is a different in analizing cases between flagging bots in a short time or flagging bots during a long time period like the 1month case with 15 people. If they intent to flag during a short time which I think its mostly the case of your friend then it wont work with my mechanism because they need at least 200 flags in our example, getting 200 flags in 3 days from people you know is mostly impossible, beside that param is not fix now, only in our example, it can be set to 300 or even 500 flags if its during such a short time. Call Of Duty 3 Pc Iso Game there. Even a guild got 300 members, actuallly 30% of the accounts are Alts.

So the condition is very strict and will protect your friend at this point. If in any case they manage to flag 200 times during 3-7 days, here comes snailgame, they need to analize the case properly which they actually didnt =) and just listen to a bunch of people blindly because they are overflowed with many cases to handle For the moment our mechanism will fail at the point if the haters make a longterm plan and flag him during 1 or even during 3 months as gathering bot. But also this case, in my opinion if snailgame handle cases serious then they will know that he is innocent.

To judge if the information is accurate and to judge if it is not coming from haters there are many criterias snailgame need to count in like: - are the flagger from same guild? - are the flagger connected with each other in friends list?

Those 2 criterias are a must have checked for snailgame to make a right decision and detect haters befor they judge somebody. For them to know get out such information is just as easy as snipping the finger, its only a database query asking 'give me all accounts who has flagged your friends account as spanner'. The next query is to ask 'list me all friends connections of those accounts and group them together', analyse the list and they got what they need to know. I think they just dont do it right due to no time!!!

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